Go back to 10 man raids

Please… The roster boss is the most unfun boss in all of wow…


Absolutely man, 10 man raids or flex Raiding.

Roster boss is the worst


10 man raid was what drew me into playing SoD after a 13 year hiatus. 20 is not where it’s at.


10man raids were definitely a lot easier to participate in. These 20man raids are a lot more difficult to get into with my alts and its discouraging from continuing to play SoD


PREACH! It was much less sweaty at 10


Yeah as a recruitment officer in a guild. It have rough to keep up with the rooster. The amount of active players on the server has been diminishing and there is no real incentive to play the game. Flex raid or 10 man raid would be a lot easier than 20 man raids.


there are more spots. how is it harder?

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Because people are being a lot more picky with who they take so that they can stack the groups

again, you’re describing problems specific to smaller group sizes, not big group sizes. in big groups you can take whomever after you fill a few critical roles. in small groups there are nothing but critical roles.


you fight the roster boss by recruiting, have you tried recruiting?

how on earth did so many guilds manage multiple 40 man raids, what a mystery.


Flex is ideal, groups can aim for the higher number but if they don’t make it oh well can always go with a few less.


The biggest issue with any kind of flex raiding in classic is that you are forced to introduce class homogenization and mechanical/encounter simplicity.
Without it, 10 man groups will complain endlessly about not being able to form ideal raid comps (see another thread recently whinging about lack of feral druids on alliance side).

Raid mechanics have to be tuned (read: removed) to account for the possibility of 10man groups. Everything has to be created keeping in mind there will be a scuffed 10man raid wanting to clear the same content as a well tuned 40 man raid.
If you think blizz will put in time to make these raid encounters significantly different in any way to make it challenging or interesting, then I have a large bridge to sell you.

If ST was switched to 10-25 man flex today there would be zero changes necessary for it to work fine.

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I think that says more about the state of ST as opposed to how amazing flex raids are.

A better comparison would be some fights in naxxramas for example, but even that had extremely simple mechanics

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That’s fine, so any content that’s tuned for a the majority of players to clear can work in flex.

Sounds like a perfectly good argument for flex. The only fight in Naxx with a real change was adding the MC orbs on razuvious.

Agree 100%!

You think so? I think 10 mans are more punishing in terms of deaths. Someone dying in a 10 man matters much more than 20, or 40 even. I think 10 mans are sweatier if anything, I feel like I wiped more in bfd/gnomer than I do in Sunken.

While I agree 10 mans are dank for quickly filling, and I personally like them more. I think flex would just be better. Why is wow always “this” or “that”, just give ppl the option to play how they want.

Flex would be the best. I don’t like much of what retail offers personally, but flex was one of the best options they ever implemented.

Back in the day there were more players :roll_eyes:
I’m sure recruiting now is doing wonders for all these dying/dead guilds lol

SoD is dead and buried.

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No, go to 40-man raids.

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