Go back to 10 man raids

I like both 10-man and 20-man raids. I think the struggle with alts getting into raids is the insane gatekeeping/logs obsession. It was hard for my DPS alts to get into P2 pugs because of this.

Lots of players fill and pug 40 man raids everyday on era. Its not hard to do, i really don’t get it.


I like how they say “we can’t fill any large raids. There’s not enough players and/or we will with noobs!”

Yet som had less pop than sod and all the guilds fielded 40 mans just fine.

Era has less pop than sod (keep in mind, that will likely change within 2-3 weeks LOL) and fills 40 just fine

The sod audience are just weird lemmings. Very strange players all gathered under 1 roof

They say “you fill 40 roster with afk players” yet these are the people who are 6/8 st or are at 3 hour clears?

Constantly contradicting themsevles


But didn’t they say already phase 4 the raids are going to be 20 man.

as much as i like 40 man raids, there is truth to some of this. Now that we have 20, I care way too much about group comp. Like, today I’m missing my warlock and my boomy. As my mage, I don’t want to parse lower.

and to make matters worse, i don’t even like parsing. I only care because that’s how you’re judged by others.

Get rid of parsing, and a lot of these issues might just disappear. instead of looking for bookin, it’s jsut looking to recruit ranged.

Because people are being a lot more picky with who they take so that they can stack the groups

That is a problem with 10 mans. and less of a problem with 20 mans. My guild has 3 ranged hunters. You are expected to bring Trueshot aura as a ranged hunter, with 2 ranged hunters in the same group one of us can go survival instead. in 10 mans people will be more picky with wanting you to be the specific meta spec or use the runes that brings buffs to the group.

The larger the raid the easier it is to balance classes and the more diversity in builds and classes you can bring.
The downside is it takes more people to get a group going but thats the only real downside.


People clamoring for 10 man raids will be in cata or the war within come post SoD

I mean whats the over all goal?

To give classic players the game they want or to cater to the moving crowd… because if you are going to do a classic plus it needs to have 40 man raids, its just a foundational part of vanilla.

I mean if this version is just for the mass then sure run it however. Most of the players that enjoy the vanilla experience vacated prior… early… or recently anyway.


Classic Plus needs 40 man raiding on any new or old content.


Bumping this post because it has never been more relevant.

I’d like to see flex stuff but doubt they’d do it

The roster gameplay can be rough

its funny this post has more likes than any others in the recent posts section. its almost like 10 mans are what majority of people want.

Ooof splitting our 3 20 man teams into 6 10 man teams? No thanks

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you guys will still raid either way. not having 10 mans chases off a section of the games populace. why would you want less players playing the game?

Because having 10 man raids decreased the quality of raiding overall.

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you forgot to put in your opinion. in my opinion and what looks to be about 100 others according to the likes on this post it made it better. you dont even get that many likes on the GDKP stans post.

Fair point, but I would love to meet the person who thinks its more fun to fight the roster than any specific boss in the game just so I can ask them why and who hurt them. lol