Gnomish Rocket Boots don't work

So yet another broken item to add to the list

I’ve used my Gnomish Boots about 6 times. Most of the time they work for about 4 seconds and then the buff just disappears. Doesn’t cause you to conflag, doesn’t finish, the buff just disappears after about 4 seconds.

After about the 4th time in a row of this happening I kind of got sick of it. This item has a 30 min cooldown. While I understand engi items can be unreliable, most of the time this item should work in full due to its very long cooldown. Even if it does cause a conflag, it’s my understanding that the speed boost should continue the full 20 seconds

Just randomly disappearing after 4 seconds with no conflag or anything is pretty stupid and obviously a bug

Sadly alot of engineer items are not working correctly
Some ive found are
Battle chicken
Discombobulator ray
Ice reflector(could possibly be a ui issue need to do more testing)
And now ill add this to my list.

Can you expand on these and give some clarification?

Also, big yikes


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