If you look at the characters on the character creation screen, Gnomes, Tauren, and Goblins have the biggest heads. That’s pretty disgusting. No wonder people hate Gnomes.
We all have things we enjoy. Some like our oversized anime eyes and cute expressions.
We also have things we don’t like, I for one don’t enjoy that head tilt All blood elf female do. Makes me wonder if they need mechanized neck supports.
Typical of a Belf
I find the male belf scoliosis posture pretty weird. No wonder people hate male belves.
You’ve got it backward. The bodies are small, heads are normal.
You know what is actually disgusting? Mustard. It is so disgusting, they named a chemical weapon after it. True story that I ain’t slightly twisting at all!
But I adore mustard and have probably 8-9 different kinds of it in my fridge right now.
(as for the OP, they are beneath notice with their mean spirited comment)
I want to declare your fridge a quarantine zone now grumbles. gags Can I do that? For the safety of everyone!
There is absolutely nothing wrong with mustard.
It’s salty, and good.
Sometimes it is spicy too which is even better.
Ew gross no I prefer me some or
s. Mustard is to strong for me. (I do not put mustard on my
As for the gnomes and their big heads argument, the have big heads to fit there big brains, yah dumb blood elf. Everybody knows that’s how it works.
I suppose I am willing to forgive you for this.
But just this one time. Do not fail me again.
Or what? You’ll enslave me as one of your demons? I’m not your succubus, undead pirate.
Yes, this is the correct answer. You gotta have a big enough noggin for that gnome brain.
See? He get’s it! Wait… so does this mean that I actually am right!? YES! For once someone agrees with me!
True story. I can eat a ghost pepper raw and be fine. A pea sized amount of that yellow condiment? Literally sends me vomiting into a toilet. That stuff is VILE.
Yes, but you could be my first mate and we can go around the world pillaging booty and citrus fruits.
Don’t want to catch the scurvy.
While I’m here, just a few words about mustard. I consider it to be an essential condiment. I don’t feel the same way about ketchup. And certainly not mayonnaise. Or ranch dressing lightly drizzled on a char-broiled chicken breast sandwich with fresh romaine lettuce and tomato on a perfectly toasted ciabatta bun . . . oh wait that does essential brb.
They do have a head that is larger compared to their body size than say a human, but some people enjoy that.