Gnomeregan is a Step Back

That’s retail. This is classic. Threat matters in classic.

The point of SoD is to expand on classic… not to make a carbon copy of retail.

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I understand, and I don’t disagree. I’m saying large portions of people disagree - seemingly far more than those who actually do want Classic but with more stuff, at this point - and there are two issues that can, and probably will, arise here:

  1. Instead of dealing with threat, people will try to circumvent it. Blizzard will throw in the towel on making threat matter - as they do by the time any expansion in the last 8 years has hit its X.1 patch - and it’ll end up as just “do as much damage as possible.”
  2. A large portion of the player base will throw in the towel and Blizzard will back-pedal to avoid losing out on subs or MAUs.

I will fully admit to being a massive cynic. I will also admit that I unironically love to be wrong because of my cynicism. I don’t see SoD going back to the expectation of “Classic with added stuff,” but if it does, I will be rather pleased.


The very existence of Classic WoW is proof that people like classic…

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Yes, and the state SoD is in is proof that the SoD team isn’t developing SoD as “Classic+” like we thought it would be, and that there are a massive amount of people who, instead of playing other versions of the game, instead come to SoD and throw tantrums to change it - and, by association, “Classic+,” for those of whom are calling SoD a beta for Classic+ - to suit their individual desires. It looks most egregious on this board, but it isn’t limited to solely this board.

Again, I’m not disagreeing with your notion, and would love for the course of SoD to be corrected.

I assure you, these mechanics are on par with maybe LFR retail mechanics.

The raid is great. It’s a bit of a challenge at first, but still very puggable and doesn’t require any group optimization whatsoever beyond someone to pew pew bombs on the last boss

I agree closing it off was a mistake, but the mechanics are not hard and without them the game would be boring

The mechanics for the entire raid are literally “just move at the right time.”

Not really any constructive feedback in your post.

Just an opinion on what you don’t like.

The bombs are nothing like original gnomer… they didn’t do much damage and they didn’t start coming out fast until the fight was basically over.

The damage going around in this raid is insanity… and people wonder where all the healers have gone? Who wants to heal this nonsense?

“just move at the right time” is exactly why these mechanics are referred to as “dance dance revolution”… I can get on board with movement based mechanics during an immunity phase (i.e. Heigan the Unclean) or if what your avoiding is visible… but even then, the moving is constant… it’s not a movement phase, it’s the whole fight. IMO, it’s annoying at best and it’s crippling for classes that only have hard casted abilities.


He means he is bad at the game and the mechanics are too hard. The one mechanic of get 1 ranged to move out of the group is too difficult for him.

It could also mean that this style of gameplay is not fun to some people, right? I mean, it’s cool and all if you feel like you need to call people bad at something to make yourself feel awesome about being better than they are at it, but it’s a game, maybe it’s more about what you like to do rather than what you’re “good” or “bad” at. I’m sure most people could be proficient at a dance simulator given enough practice, but it doesn’t mean most people would choose to play a dance simulator.

You’ll see a lot of people (me included) who are playing a classic variant under the guise of it being classic-esque. If they had billed it as “We’re jamming mythic encounters from retail into vanilla wow”, then nobody would be complaining about gnomer… because the only people playing it would be sweaties from retail.


LOL hyperbolic much?

Maybe it’s because I play Retail as well and have experience with those mechanics you reference but I don’t feel anything in Gnomer is close. We only have 2 ranged so we’re stuck on Bomb duty on Thermanplugg AND I play a Destro Lock (the most turrety of turret specs). It’s laughably easy.

I’m usually pretty stoned for Classic Raids (I think most of my Guild is tbh) which is something I could never do for “serious” play in Retail but a Raid like Gnomer feels like doing LFR mechanics.

Best scenario for raids is copying what they did in wotlk: normal and heroic mode. Both modes dropping the same gear but not same item level (bis naturally going to heroic). That way casual andys can charge in and do their thing and get their clears, and the sweats can get their challenge and parses knocked out in heroic mode.

Bruh you thinking Gnomer has retail mechanics is laughable.

It’s not hyperbole, I was saying that if the devs billed SoD as bringing mechanics from versions of WoW that aren’t classic into classic that only the people who enjoy those mechanics would have come here to play. Maybe I said it in a sarcastic way, but it’s the truth - these encounters are not in keeping with typical vanilla gameplay.

I can only assume these boss mechanics are coming from somewhere in retail, but, sure, I don’t have a clue what retail raids are like, I quit playing retail around cata, in no small part because of the direction they were taking the game…

I’m just kind of bummed out because they’re moving WotLK servers to cata, so I stopped playing over there and came to SoD and now they’re pushing this … whatever you want to call it… “modern” raid mentality onto classic, which, to me, isn’t fun. I have font memories of vanilla, but it’s a slog… SoD was the refresh it needed, but not with the raid mechanics.

Ah yes rag, the right classic andys said was harder then Mythic KJ lol

Thing is, there are encounters even as far back as Wrath that are more complex and involved than anything in SoD, so it’s not as if it’s something that just started with Cata going forward

Like, if BFD and Gnomeregan are “too complex” for Classic, I can only imagine fights like the Iron Council, Thorim, Twin Val’kyr, Festergut, Sindragosa…anything like that would actually give these people an aneurysm

Even Magtheridon in TBC, can’t rotate sets of 5 people to hit some cubes, instant wipe. Far more punishing than what we have seen in SoD.

Pre-nerf Magtheridon in TBC is an excellent example of Classic mechanics. Extremely high tank damage & mandatory interrupts. Frontal cleave. Need to coordinate where the healers are standing before the pull so everyone can get healed. When undergeared, you’re forced to use 5 tanks, too.

Magtheridon loses points because it’s a 25-player raid in TBC (and therefore you have TBC talent trees / group composition) but the actual boss mechanics are exactly what I want from classic raiding.

Again, you’re focused on difficulty. I never complained about difficulty. I am talking about how it feels. The mechanics in SoD Gnomeregan feel like retail, not like classic.

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