Gnome Shamans Please

I wanna play a Sand Gnome! :smiley:


Mechagnome shamans.



We wiped them all out in Cataclysm


I saw a gnome demon hunter on the forums a couple days ago it was dope

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It was cool because it was a gnome I swear

What the heck?

Why is Sand Gnome totally not familiar to me?

By Argontus (1,772 ā€“ 10 Ā·11) on 2008/09/28 (Patch 3.0.1)
These creatures, these unspeakable horrors are by far the most fearsome lifeforms that I have encountered in my time. Sometimes, I wake up in the night, all sweaty, and hear a menacing cry of terror in the distanceā€¦ AYYAYAAYAA!
Be afraid of them, be very afraid of them.

Whoa, I must go there and see them.

Every race and every class combo! Woo!

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Noā€¦just NO!

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Even if not the sand gnomes, the original gnomes lived long enough with the other alliance races to learn it. Same goes to many other classes that seem to be able to be taught.

That name sounds vaguely racist.

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Yes! I want my Draenei and Tauren Rogues, consarnit!

Iā€™ve been wanting one of these strangely after seeing them work with a ton of lightning, and have a weather machine.

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They are kind of obscure. You only hear of them during a few quests in Terokkar Forestā€™s desert around Auchindoun.

There were going to be lots of Sand Gnomes in Uldum, but they were later replaced by the Pygmies.

There are Goblin shamans, so itā€™s not THAT far-fetched.

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Technoshaman would be cool! Just like how they use the light as priests in a scientific way, they could do the same with electricity (lightning) and molten metal (earth).

Plus Goblin shamans. Iā€™m sure Gnomes wouldnā€™t want to be too far behind in the ā€œarms raceā€ with Goblins.

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And Sand Trolls doesnā€™t?

Looks like the next new Alliance allied race!

Yall better get hyped!