Gnome Paladins!

I dont understand why people think repeating the same old tired joke, even in the same thread, is clever after the 999999999th time it’s been said.


It should be passed through generations.

I think you can still buy one. :thinking: (still surprised he has a name)


You know what? This gives me a lore idea.

One day, some poor sap will repeat this same tired joke, and the Goblin/Gnome Priest will have heard it the 1,000th time. Never mind it’s not logical since they already use the Light. No, it’s the sheer repetition that causes them to snap. And they snap, oh boy do they SNAP. They then go full on RET in righteous fury at the poor fool.

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They go Mcconnell… :rofl:

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I don’t know who that is, but probably.

Make sure to turn your volume down.

I must admit, I have never understood the desire to watch people play the games that I want to play.

Difference is black people are not a race. We are all the human race.
Orc and Human are different. Your equivalence would be anyone saying a cat can’t be an astrophysicist is a racist… to which I retort is more of a realist.

Why even have fantasy races if they are all going to be the same

I just listen to it as I play at 3 in the morning when no one is on in the guild. Though I prefer Preachs Drama Time far more and Azerths round table isn’t bad.

The only time I actually watch the videos is when its machinima or a guide.

i hope you’re spelling like that on purpose.