Gnome Paladins!

After messing around with the shadowlands dressing room I really hope they unlock gnome paladins.

I know some people are going to complain about lore but they have been living side by side with paladins for years and can already wield the light. Its time to let the gnomes tank with Ashbringer.


YES PLEASE! Gnome Paladins would be an awesome addition to the game. I would play several lol.


PS - Goblins and Worgen still need monks.


I’m sure the dorfs and humies could teach um a think ur two.

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I resplectely desagree.
Actually, i even agree with Gnome Warriors. Maybe mecanognome warrios ok.
And i desagree with mecanognomes priests too. Dont make any sense for me.

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May I ask why?

I’ve been playing DnD for a very long time and one of the biggest problems I had even back then was that there were class race restrictions. To me they made no sense. There may not be many of a particular race that are drawn to a particular skill set or profession but that doesn’t mean that none of them will be. They may not be as good, they might progress slower without mentors or training but it always seemed such a silly concept to classify an entire race as not being able to do something.

If we were talking about the real world anyone who said that a black person couldn’t be an astrophysicist would be seen a racist. Its true that there are not many but there are in fact some. As someone who has a predilection for playing gnomes I see myself as representative of the race and yet I’m occasionally drawn to classes that they supposedly can’t master. And the only reason they can’t is because lore.

Unfortunately that argument falls flat as lore is supposed to be representative of the past. Cultures change, races evolve at some point lore can no longer be used as an excuse to hold a race back from being able to achieve their dreams.

I think its right up there with calling drow evil. Yes in general they are, but then you have individuals like Drizzit, Ryld, and maybe even Pharaun. Having the occasional exception ends up highlighting how evil drow really are as they seemingly have the capacity to choose to be “good” but instead end up reveling in… um lets say the oddities of their culture.


I never liked the idea of gnome paladins. Being a paladin generally requires devotion to some sort of higher, light based entity, Gnomes really do not do that in the slightest. Even back in cata gnome priests were explained more as doctors that use the light more as a tool than anything.

And I’m saying this as someone who fought tooth and nail for gnome hunters. Gnomes and paladins aren’t a good fit.

I could be convinced of gnome shamans, but it’d have to be a more mechanical vibe for them.


All Gnome/class combos! ALL of them! More Gnomes!!!

Gnome Demon Hunters might make me fall in love with DH again.


Night Elf Paladins first then everyone else. Gnome Priests and Gnome Hunters was pushing it already.

The Gnomish Race needs a class specific to them along with Goblins. Machinists. You make turrets along with other gadgets to dps/heal/tank. Put on a suit of armor to Tank. Would be amazing to see lol.

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Not really…
I wont get into my long winded argument but Gnome hunters were THE most logical race class combo not yet available pre-legion considering 90% of gnome NPCs use guns and hunters have steadily become techy-er since they were introduced.


Gnomes can be very devoteds.
Exists several number of us in the stupid Twilight Hammer. And they dont accept undevoted members. So, if ANYONE can use the light (like we learn in Legion). So, gnomes can use too. Its just logic.
BUT i dont like the idea of gnome warrior. Maybe a gnome using tecnology and driving a Mech Suit. Or using the Light on this machine like the Argus robot suit. So, im both cases; we dont have a paladin or a warrior but some like a Tinker unstead. And gbomes can’t be paladins cause they are chaotic. Priests can be chaotics, but i dont see how a paladin can be.

I want racial classes. Like demon hunter to elfs. A class to each race. Its just fare. Like a tinker to gnome and goblins.


The various bubble spells would make those hard landings after a swift punt a bit easier to endure. Anyway, if something else is going to get a pally class I nominate Night Elves.

Can’t be worse than Male Human Paladins i suppose.

Oh righ.You guys know? Why we dont have a danm goblin paladin? I guess its the same reason for we dont have a gnome papadin.

I support the expansion of class/race combos, and I’m quite happy to include gnome paladins in that expansion.

Especially if we can get some playable undead paladins while we’re at it.

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Having faction/race/class distinctions adds complexity, variety and flavor to the game.

Gnomes can’t be Paladins cause they are too short to reach the Librams on the bookshelves.

If we allow gnomes to be paladins, we would have to waste Stormwind’s tax revenue to build shorter bookshelves.

On a side note, Gnomes always seem to be all about tech and less about religion to a point of Atheism almost.

If it wasn’t for actually tangible manifestations of light magic in their world they would probably not even have Priests very similar to how Han Solo doesn’t believe in the Force in the Star Wars.

Gnome and goblin demon hunters and then Druids first

Thats why they learn to grow wings.

Thats fair but thats a collective mentality and shouldn’t deny the individual from making a choice.


You must be this tall to wield the light.

And you must be taller than that to wield nature.