Gnome Paladins!

Why can’t Gnomes be paladins?

Because they can’t reach the Light. :crazy_face:


Opening up all race class combinations adds variety, complexity and flavor lol.

How does fewer combinations do any of those three things? Seriously.


I support Gnome Paladins!

I support everyone being able to be Paladins!

To get around the “Lore” just implement a multi-class system where people can change their class to a 2nd class like they can change to a 2nd specialization. If a race can’t be a class out of the box, their 1st class trainer can give the player’s character a quest to find a NPC of their race that’ll set them on a path to be that class.

Like, if for instance a Draenei started out as a mage, but wants to multi-class in to Warlock, the mage class trainer will give a quest for the Draenei to find a Manari exile that’ll allow the character to multi-class in to Warlock.

Of course, Blizzard would never implement something like this. But one can dream!

If you don’t support gnome paladins you’re very clearly a bigot and not accepting of how times in Azeroth are progressing.

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Opening up all combos erodes race and class identity, something an RPG benefits from. It’s rather immersion breaking to see Lightforged warlocks or goblin druids running around.

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No. I hate gnomes.

i’d prefer gnome shamans, but i’ll take anything

I don’t see why not, they can be Priests, they can be Warriors, why can’t they be Priestly Warriors?

Personally I’d like to see them be Druids, shapeshifting into bear cubs and very fierce house cats :smiley:

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Hmm a forsaken gnome that has a goo kitten feral form. I like the idea.

I could see them as shaman as a form of geomancer or meteorologist. Communicating with the elements almost as much as a radio wave communicates with elementary particles in space. The geomancer would know the elements by studying them.

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You’re all brainwashed by the Windchimes.

I’m going home. Oh wait.

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Fixt that for you. :smiley:

We can draw arbitrary race class immersion lines all day.

Opening up race class adds diversity and uniqueness, something rpgs greatly benefit from. Seeing all druids as ne and tauren grew stale. So stale they changed it. So much for immersion.

Class identity comes from their skills and talents so i dont know what thats supposed to mean.

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It isn’t arbitrary, there’s literally over 20 years worth of lore supporting the majority of them.

From a mechanical standpoint yes, from a thematic and lore standpoint no.

As far as I am concerned, gnomes should be able to be every class.

I think that opening up more classes for the various races would be a great thing. What is that adage? You’re never to old to learn something new.

We have already seen the lore of the Warcraft universe set aside at least once before with the coming of the Cataclysm. Why was there a split between the Night Elves and High Elves? Wasn’t it something to do with arcane magic and the High Elves were exiled or did they leave on their own?

Come the great Cataclysm and now the Night Elves have mages in their midst?

Where was the lore taken into consideration in that decision? There was new lore created though as to why it did happen though right?

If they opened up Paladin for Gnomes I would be the happiest person alive I think.


I’ll would delete my dh for a gnome paladin!


Void Elf first, then gnome. But sure, I support any class/race combo. I’m not anti-fun.

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No you didn’t.

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So many more race and class combinations should come before Gnome Paladin, a few examples are Goblin Monk, Worgen Monk, and Night Elf Paladin.

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