Gnome or Human Caster based on looks?

Gnome looks best in plate imo.

my biggest reservation about gnomes appearance-wise is their mounts. Personally I think mechanostriders are the ugliest mounts in the game.

I was a gnome lock back in vanilla. I’ve never been a fan of humans in robes. That said, as a Horde rogue, the human is definitely more of a threat to me. But for aesthetics, I’d definitely go gnome.

female dwarves actually, roll one with animated hair and the hair animations sync with the spellcasting, it’s amazing to see your braided tails flail violently as you smite a foe

female dwarves actually. human women cant even braid their hair, i admit the towered hairstyle is really unique on femgnomes though, i like how ultra-fantasy it comes off. but female dwarves are so creative with their hair, most female gnome hairstyles look like average looks for the everyday female

khadgar had such a unique wizard’s physique, then he became as you put it, george clooney with john cena’s body, i get the age reversal wearing off over time, dont know about him needing to be clean shaven entirely but the muscle mass he put on was like huh? khadgar does not lift

theyre also exclusive to only the short races, thou is jealous gnomeregan will not sell you one because your heavy buttocks will break it?

seeing a lot of people say the females look good in them but female dwarves look best in armor especially robes because one they are bustier so they fill the top out more and they are curvier like the hip and waist so their silhouette is amazing

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Gnome, i rather be short and puntable then boring and generic looking.

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But at least humans don’t have to swim in a drop of water like gnomes :stuck_out_tongue:

no, I’m leveling my gnome alt entirely with darnassus rep quests to get him a kitty because I refuse to buy one of those repulsive contraptions. All of the robot stuff, gigantic gears, the entirety of gnomeregan … all incredibly garish and absolutely devoid of any taste whatsoever.

why… why are you a gnome then?

They can crawl in small places where human’s can’t. :smile:

Like that little space under the inn in sentinel hill in westfall. Now i can rest under it without being bothered! I can now see why this race is so popular.

Actually the size could be advantageous for PvP. Even more so then we thought. :thinking:

the gnome model is fun, it’s just the gnomeregan crap that I hate. The 5% int buff is good, as is escape artist. But the real reason is that I read the forum and I saw horde players crying their pathetic eyes out about how triggered they get by seeing gnomes, and the thought of horde tears was just too juicy to resist.

i remember on the stress test i came to kharanos on my nelf and hung out for a while with the locals, and these little naked gnome girls ran into the tiny little hearth and i tried to chase them in there and im like damn howd you fit in there lmao!

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that is the entire race’s aesthetic and culture though, ie me i dont like the druidic direction my race took, im like elisande on what the nelves became, i dont effing get why we hang out in trees like reclusive weirdo hippies, im totally into the highborne vibe and miss the big great kaldorei cities but i can say that because the druidic take on nelves isnt their whole identity, it isnt their sole representation, nelves have two subcultures, the old and the new. gnomes are flat out everything you hate about them, there might be like ONE gnome who prefers being in the outdoors with the animals and stuff and she is the reason we got gnome hunters in legion

if you also picked a race whose cultural aesthetic you don’t like, why are you surprised that someone else did the same with a different race?

gnome on a kitty. That’s what I want. Little tiny person. Real big cat.

because i explained not all my people are druidic and believe in nature reverance, not all highborne became high elves, the older culture still remains from the nelf empire, there is no gnome subculture, they have all and always had one mindset- i love to tinker. your gnome is an anomaly, thats great, but with me there are hundreds of others just like me, legion showed us that that suramar and the old culture still exists

are you reverse RP shaming me right now ಠ_ಠ

I look super-cute in a robe and witch hat.

I think female humans look rather dope in gear. My reservation was their casting animation.

Nah female human warlock in full black mageweave set with a succubus pet. Very spicy

Looks? Human female.

But you’re badly stupid if you do that.

Sometimes, racials are just that powerful.

If you are an alliance mage or warlock, and you’re not a Gnome, you’re not smart.

Damnit! You changed hats just as I got this one