Gnoll Playable Race

I think the new Gnoll models look excellent, and they really capture the look and feel of a “bestial” race. Worgen and Vulpera don’t hit the mark for me, but I’d 100% reroll to a Gnoll on every possible class if the opportunity was there.

I know a few other people have shared a similar sentiment that the new models look pretty nice, but how would you guys feel about Gnolls being playable? Even if you wouldn’t play one, would you have a problem thematically or lore-wise with other players playing one?

I know this probably won’t happen, but I really wish there was an option for it.
Let me be a mongrel, primal Gnoll Shaman and live out the true fantasy I’ve always wanted.


The /lol emote for a gnoll player would be glorious


I do love the new model. Looks great. Wonderful facial expressions. I could see myself rolling one if they were playable.


You mean like the Charr on the Horde Side? I’m pretty sure the Gnolls would be a good horde race.


Should have an exaggerated both the sound clip and the animation haha.

I bet the dance would be fantastic, too!


I love bestial races and used to play them from time to time back when I played D&D. Would be really nice if Blizz added gnolls. Would be funny if you’re PvPing on a gnoll and the laugh triggers flashbacks, to the person on the other end, of those times when you got ganked by a massive mob of gnolls. lol


I really like bestial races too! I feel like it’s really lacking in WoW’s playable race roster. We have so many options, but none really scratch that itch.

I’d like a crazy cackle laugh sound effect, but I think there should be a chance for the /lol emote to play the old gnoll aggro sound, similar to how night elves sometimes do a front flip when they jump lol.


Gnolls would 101% bully gnomes. It’d be awesome!


Night Elves have a /silly where they joke about tripping over gnomes.
Gnolls get a /silly where they shove the targeted gnome player down and take their lunch money.

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Gnoll n Quilboar

It’ll be great




Mankrik would have a fit, but I think Quilboar should get a model update and be playable too. More of these tribal, feral races as playable please.


It is, you can actually see it in the model viewer on wowhead.
They laugh like the hyenas in the lion king movie. I love it.


The new Gnoll models are pretty decent. Depending on what faction they ended up, I might play one.

That said, I expect they’d end up Horde just from a lore point of view, so I wouldn’t end up playing one. But, they do look good. More power to those who do want to play them, and don’t get exhausted by playing Horde.

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Yeah, I think Horde would make more sense considering the major antagonist role they play in early Alliance zones like Elwynn, Westfall, and Redridge. Anything’s possible though I suppose. I’d much prefer them to be a neutral race, but even if they became an allied race for Horde I’d just be thankful that they’re in the game and playable at all. :slight_smile:

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Oh would you look at that, they even have a custom sleep-up/sleep-down and mount animation just like what made people belive vulpera would become playable…

Also they have baby gnoll models, why would you need that for a fierce race that is only in the game to be killed…


Yeah for sure, that’d be a lot of effort if they’re just there to be button mashed to death while we’re leveling in the new zone. The animations look really great too; the facial animations especially as mentioned earlier are really expressive!


Pity they lack female models. Then again, knowing Hyenas…


Goldshire has joined the chat


Bad. Because the counter-race would be the Furbolgs, which would be just another Mechagnome- issue where you cannot add transmogs to them. And it’s another bear race on top of this.

I absolutely dislike the two-class society here Blizzard pushes. The Gnolls would be a perfect race for the Horde and the Alliance gets another compromise race or something they don’t want to play.

Tuskarr will be neutral, so they are out of the cards. The Alliance should get the Sethrak as compensation for the bad allied races Blizzard forced onto them.

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