GMs wont answer tickets, close tickets instead

They did manage to fix some of the BfA access issues a few hours ago and may just be mass closing anything related depending upon players to reopen tickets if the fix didn’t work for them.

Yeah. I’ve been coming into work since September – it’s mostly me and one other person in the building, so it’s not bad – and it’s nice having at least that space where I can focus and pretend there’s a bit of normalcy.

I opened a ticket a couple of days ago about the lavish serving glyph mats and the conjured mana, and I received the same response. But, since the issue is not really that serious and considering they must be busy with more important issues, I didn’t bother to reopen the ticket

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Just because they claim that they have a high volume of tickets does NOT mean they cannot answer it. It means it will take a long time to get to it. Therefore, I would be fine if that reply said:

“we are experiencing a high volume of tickets and it might take a long time to answer. Would you like to continue to wait or should we cancel the ticket?”

I would have no problem waiting longer if it means an actual answer.


The same thing is happening to me. Generic response that has nothing to do with my ticket.


This is wow new CS and has been for some time. Can you imagine how great their CS will be when SL launches and the shi% storm comes falling down? I won’t know but I am just saying. GL.


The ticket system is a known joke. The only people I’ve seen who praise it are those who live in the CS forum and defend every comment a blue makes then like their own posts on their alts.

Tickets closed and marked “resolved” without actually being resolved is not uncommon.


everything apart from the golden question of why you opened the ticket :stuck_out_tongue:

they don’t close tickets without replying to them.
they CAN’T close tickets without replying :roll_eyes:

if they were able to do that, the op wouldn’t have got a response telling them to reopen the ticket if the linked sources didn’t help.

What was your question about?

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The short answer is probably based on whatever algorithm they use for ticket priority.

I can only speak for myself, but known issues got the 48. A game breaking bug in Legion got me one within the hour.

My question was simple. How come I have the 2k ach back in 2011 but the 3k quest says I’ve only done 1740 quests?

sounds like a fairly common display error.
nothing new, nothing game breaking.

the display often rights itself after zoning.

(seems like an awfully strange time to be pestering GMs for stuff which you’re simply curious about?)

I feel ya OP! That happened to me too. I know no one read my tickets cuz they were clear and concise about the problem and what I had already done to try and resolve it myself. It went through 4 auto responses b4 I screamed give me a human. I finally got a GM who told me to report a bug! :rofl::joy::laughing: btw it wasn’t a bug…

Does anyone ever get one of those quick questioners about their ticket service anymore? Cuz I sure don’t, guess they are afraid of what I’d say :thinking::grin:

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Most of the time, I have had really good communication and responses to my tickets.

One time I had it dismissed, and the when I reopened it was closed immediately. I tried a third time, and no resolve, they closed the ticket, and I lost the account.

An entire expac later, Someone made a post like yours and I told my tale of woe. One of the Blues came on, and found the issue that caused my old account to close, and they restored it to me.

I think that the best thing you can do, if they close a ticket that in unresolved, is to make a post like you just did, maybe in the bug report? Tell them exactly what is wrong, and explain that you made a ticket, but that it was not getting resolved.

I really wish that I would have done that. The Blues are very helpful at resolving things.

Edit: Make the Post in Customer Support.

You have a very nice vulperan priest! Gives me ideas of my own.

Bug Report is a mostly one way means to report bugs to QA. It won’t help to post issues with Support there.

The Customer Support forum is monitored by Blizzard Forum Support Agents during their working hours.

If a person posts what the issue is, what they have tried, and asks what other options they have for support, they normally get an answer pretty fast. Either the regulars can answer it or the Blues will.

Most of the time, issues arise with people having expectations about what Support can do vs what they want done. Support is not allowed to give game hints, they don’t take Bug reports, they are not a complaints department, etc. They have a limited set of things they handle.


I had this happen not long ago (ticket opened, then closed with no real solution) I re-opened and went back and forth with a guy for a couple of days before I ended up finding the solution on my own. I actually provided an in depth overview of what I did and how I found the issue so if someone in the future had the same problem, they had a solution. To be fair, my issue was pretty unique and the solution was pretty hard to track down. It stands they could have been a little more helpful from the get go instead of handing a canned response, even if it does help cut down on ticket numbers, being a bit personal is always helpful.

4,000,000,000 tickets and 3 GM’s is why.

OK, maybe not those numbers, but the premise is still the same. They have a system, like all places with a ticket system, where they can identify X, Y and Z issues. X issue is just a “I have a bug” that is answered in one of the many posts floating around and can be resolved by hitting the go away button, like what you got. They can than get onto the Y and Z issues that actually need a response.

The system is not perfect, if you log it wrong, or if the system just categorises it wrong, you get thrown in with the go away crowd incorrectly.

What even was the issue?

Awesome that you sorted it out. The problem is that Blizzard does not allow the GMs to give game hints to help with work arounds and such. They are told to point players to the forums or a third party site with hints like Wowhead.

Unless there is a confirmed bug that the Devs specifically allow the GMs to correct, they are not allowed to touch things in game and complete quests, etc.

I have been there too. I lost a critical quest chain and was at my wits end trying to get it back. It took me 2 days of searching the depths of Wowhead and reddit to finally pick it back up. It would have been nice to just ticket and ask, but I know they are not allowed to help me so it would have wasted their time.