GMs in support tickets aren't helping anymore

its a lie those same ads show up everywhere goggle is. …unless you running crapple products then thats a whole other story.

Dear lord no, never do that. That cesspool is overrun by a clique that brigades people, falsely flags any post that corrects them, disagrees with them, etc, just so they can have fun ganging up on poor people who only go there out of desperation after getting unhelpful robot replies that have nothing to do with their request.

He’s just trying to spread their propaganda.

Appeal attrition, make a horrible loop where the person just gives up.

Going from being the gold standard in customer service and support to being the biggest meme in the gaming industry.


I, too, miss the days when customer support was actively helpful. I didn’t have a single ticket successfully resolved in Dragonflight and now I don’t even submit them anymore. Being told ‘we’re sorry that happened, go submit a bug report’ where things you lost due to said bug are never restored is deeply unhelpful.

Blizzard removed most GM powers a long time ago so the stuff we remember them fixing in vanilla they literally can’t do. It’s a huge problem that seems to have no solution.


A long time ago I’ve given up using wow support. The crap indian tech support Xbox used in the 360 era was better they actually did something


You know what really drives me up the wall? When they decide to close your ticket because they think it’s resolved.

I even tried to outsmart the system by adding, “Please do not auto-close my ticket.”

…I’ll let you guess how that went. :sweat_smile:


Don’t even think about opening one not worth it


The support system has severely degraded over time. A couple months ago I had my email hacked, losing my battlenet account among others. It took over 2 weeks to regain account access. Throughout the process I got sent through a loop of the same couple of responses, give them the requested information, only to go through the loop again, or get shunted to a new GM and the process restarted from the beginning


Turn off your ad blocker and visit the site for a few minutes.



I’m sorry, I couldn’t resist.

Truth be told, it doesn’t matter about the bad ads, the fact that tickets even have to point you to a 3rd party site is sad. If that site states the solution, copy/paste it to your own site. That or stop telling me to go to 3rd party sites when I have a payment issue.


On this, did you accidentally reply to the do-not-reply email? For those who don’t have account access it is tedious, but you have to open a new ticket each time you want to talk to them or give them the data they ask for. You open the new ticket and include the first ticket number so they have the ticket history. Else you end up starting over.

If they have not updated instructions to be CLEAR on that, then that is causing issues that don’t need to happen.

They will also close it if they have given as much of an answer as they think they can. Sometimes the answer is that whatever someone asking is something they can’t help with. No, the issue is not resolved, but the ticket is over.

Yeah, it is frustrating for all concerned I think.

They do know more than most of the GMs. The CS team mostly provides billing and account support for all Blizzard games. The only game they have any in-game support for at all, is WoW and they don’t have a game specific team. All CS take all tickets. That support is pretty limited and most of the GM tools are now customer side like item restore, un delete char, recover mail, unstuck button, etc. You are 100% right, they are not game experts on any specific game usually. Not unless it is escalated.


Support is in a miserable state and I am just not sure why any company (regardless of size) would allow that to happen.


Lack of caring? Doesn’t pad the shareholders? Incompetence?

I could go on for a long time.

It just kills me how this company was the gold standard for that. They put every other company to shame. Now, they’re the laughing stock. I don’t say that to be rude, go to any other game forum and bring up Blizzard customer support. Whow boy…


The same reason they all let it go. They put profits and stockholders above customers and above staff too. Those are top mgt decisions on staffing, funding, and tools/tasking.

We sit in horrible phone trees because most companies don’t prioritize the customer service.


It’s like they’re not even trying anymore. There were major bugs and glitches yesterday - basically the game was broken and unplayable, and yet there has been no communication from Blizzard, no official statement about it, nothing. There was no attempt to quell the masses or stem the tide of tickets the GMs got because people did not get loot/currency/knowledge points form their activities yesterday. Meanwhile, the GM tickets that did get responses were basically, “Sorry you had trouble, please make a bug report on the forums.”


I’m think people would respect them more if they owned up to their errors instead of gaslighting, being silent, or misdirecting.


I don’t think you are being rude.

I know that CS does not pad the bottom line, but it can sure help though. Someday someone will come out with that game that will tank this one (could be 1 year or 10 who knows) … it is not if but when… and much like other companies who’ve relied on their reputation (cough cough Boeing cough cough), they too can find them in deep trouble and all it takes is that little something extra that pulls away your customers.


That is all the GMs can do. They have no insight into what is going on with the games unless the Devs tell them. They are not allowed to take bug reports - those have to be done through the Bug Report forum or in-game tool. That goes to QA and bugs are fixed by Devs.

They very rarely let GMs fix individual account bugs because it causes issues when the game is actually patched correctly. They also don’t tell GMs what is going on in real time. Ticketing at the start of an issue will result in the GM having no idea what is going on, they can’t even say “this is a known issue the Dev team is working on”. They don’t have that info.

The different teams are not even in the same state, much less building. CS is in Texas and Devs are in Irvine.

I am not saying that is a good thing, or that it SHOULD be that way. That is just an explanation of how it currently works. Why you would get the answer you did yesterday.

That in fact will hurt the shareholders.
Stay quiet and pretend nothing happened and it will eventually go away – tactics that lots of companies use these days – they know another shiny object will come along to take the heat off and sadly they are right.


Other companies that make big big mistakes own up to it. They make public apologies and then rise above it. Those companies are well respected.

It’s sad that they chose to nickel and dime people over continuing a stellar reputation.

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I believe you and acknowledge that fact, but it doesn’t make it right. It’s entirely possible Blizzard needs to take a hard look at their support systems and make decisions that will best SERVE THE CUSTOMER not their shareholders. It’s a pipe dream, I know, but a guy can hope, right?

Clearly Blizzard knew about the problems as they were able to release a fix relatively quickly. That should have been accompanied by a communication from leadership. Something like:

Hello citizens of Azeroth! Some feature updates caused problems with our loot systems, and as a result, many of you were not rewarded for the time and activities you participated in over the last 12 hours or so until our developers released a patch. I can assure you that the problem has been resolved, and we will continue to monitor the situation to ensure it does not happen again.

Since we are not able to individually compensate everyone affected by the bug, we are sending out a small gift to all of our players as a sincere apology that your time in Azeroth was not a pleasurable one. This gift will have some crests, valor stones, gold, knowledge points, timewalking badges, and a few other goodies.

Thank you again for choosing World of Warcraft!

Or whatever.