GM: "Don't use *HARDWARE* input broadcasting to multibox, either, if you care about your account."

do you seriously think if they went shopping for an answer like you, that they wouldn’t find some gm who actually said it was okay? however, like I told you before those people answering those tickets are very often wrong and they don’t handle the appeals and they aren’t the final word on blizzard policy. And because of that if someone posted that answer on here saying it was okay you would also dismiss it.

the blues posting on this forum are closer to that and you dismiss what they say because you have your mind made up and no amount of sense is going to change it. If a blue came to this thread right now and told you you were wrong in your interruption you would dismiss it.


It isn’t a thought. It is what Blizzard stated in their banned broadcast software post.

Wrong again.

Why would I waste my time when they specifically posted what they banned? You are the only one making stuff up here.


My setup uses no broadcasting, so wrong assumption there.

Why don’t you continue your crusade with a few more tickets and see what other gms have to say.

I’ll wait.


Hmm. Interesting (though wrong). I don’t need to cope, I just play the game - without breaking the rules. And you can’t stand that, can you? Don’t project your copium needs, it makes you look bad.

Edit:. Just gotta say, your six degrees of separation coping is old news. You seriously think that one GM speaks for the entire company? Even if he was correct, you’re flailing here is still comical. There’s just something about watching a half-hinged sjw trying to make his skidmark on society that I find hilarious…please keep going…


This is a court of law?

Also no I don’t, I can just go off what I know is real, a blue post on their website.


Then they will face consequences :slight_smile:

Is inevitable

Why would I hope that when I was talking about players?

Also, good morning everyone :smiley:

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that’s interesting because as a manager i have to deal with one of my employees telling as customer that we do something but it’s not policy so now i have to do that thing. Whatever the GM says, it most definitely going to be taken as policy seeing how they represent the company.

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customer facing representatives are not the final decision makers on company policy.

if one of my employees tells a client we do something that we don’t do, I’ll happily tell the client that we don’t do it and why. especially if it’s something that’ll get us or them in trouble.

this idea that “everything anybody tells you in any context is legally binding” is really weird


So if one of your employees says the customer can have everything they want for free , you just hook them up? Its policy to pay for goods and services.
Im going to all the grocery stores in my area until I find Joey the bag boy who says its cool if I take aisle 7 home at no charge. Didn’t know employees were allowed to set policy and enforce it on a whim or to satisfy their feelings.


When did the books come out?

Like I said before it seems fairly clear to me that the OP was talking about a specific hardware that the CSR believed to handle broadcasting via software on your computer. He is trying to then apply that to every form of repeating to justify his false reporting.


Published in July 1954, according to wikipedia.

He’s also completely skating over the fact that any drivers and/or embedded software associated with those devices, does not broadcast - that’s what the hardware is for.




If you’re so confident then why don’t you file a ticket asking if the hardware input broadcasting you’re doing (presumably) has any problems whatsoever? But you won’t have the courage to do anything more than spread FUD on the forums for some or the other transparently specious excuse.

The policy clearly states the objective is to prevent or reduce botting and automated gameplay. To this end they’re banning software that does input broadcasting.

  1. They never said the software was limited to software hosted on the PC, meaning that they never excluded embedded software
  2. It’s reasonable to expect that since hardware input broadcasting enables botting and automated gameplay to the same degree, that they will not give a pass for someone claiming that the input broadcasting was software rather than hardware.

You’re getting your smugposting mixed up. You alleged my screenshot was faked, with zero proof. I don’t have to prove it is unfaked, because that’s impossible. You have to prove it is faked. And if it was a faked post, my OP would never have been unflagged.

LOL its amazing how much boxer cope this topic gets. I’m apparently the one flailing here. At least you stopped posting in allcaps

Line GMs seem to believe that’s not necessary because they correctly understand that the devices that broadcast hardware embed software that controls and directs the broadcasting

Warning mate, this upsets the copium addicts in the die hard boxers club. They have an easy out given how confident they are : file a ticket with a link to the input broadcasting hardware they use and ask the GM if they can continue to use it. But no, they’d rather spread FUD, threaten to have the post removed and straight out go flat-earth than risk hearing an answer they don’t have the courage to face.

Wrong. Read the transcript. I asked if hardware input broadcasters in general were okay and I gave the example of a specific piece of hardware. The GM advised me otherwise and also said:

I suggest you don’t use any kinds of this device unless you don’t care about your account.

(emphasis mine)

By that hilariously bad logic, you don’t play WoW, your keyboard and mouse do. We’re supposed to imagine that Blizzard wants to crack down on pure software input broadcasting because it can be used to for botting and automated gameplay but Blizzard is A-OK with botting and automated gameplay being facilitated by input broadcasting as long as there’s even the slightest bit hardware involved.

:point_up_2: That right there is grade A uncut copium. And it’s clear who the addicts are.

@ all the boxers doing input broadcasting & salty at this post

Go right ahead, take a photo of your hardware input broadcaster, send them the product URL and file a ticket asking if you can use it or not. But you’ll never do that because deep down you know that it makes sense that if hardware input boxing is indistinguishable in effect from software input broadcasting, it’ll be liable to account action too. You’re so confident and smug; take the opportunity. You’ll be a hero to boxers everywhere.

Again. That would be pointless to do, nevermind a waste of GMs time as well as mine.

Most people in this thread I imagine are just going to ignore what you said because you ARE wrong.

People like you are probably the reason so many bots are running around - blizzard is wasting all their time investigating your false reports on multi boxers and can’t get to actually doing anything about bots.


Lol. I think that, and have thought thst for a long time, with many peoples rants on here.

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Are you intentionally lying now? You specifically were talking about a keyboard or mouse. I have covered this multiple times. Keyboards and mice broad cast and do macros via software (that they load on your computer as part of their controll bundles) which is what was banned. The GM explained that, I have explained that, others have explained that.

My Corsair keyboard came with a software bundle that I can use to configure keys to preform different functions including broadcasting and macros. The macro part of it has always been banned and now the broad cast portion is banned as well. This is 100% software driven and not hardware driven. Again the GM told you this.

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Very well, everyone using a mouse your days are numbered

No I did not, I said that it couldn’t be proved if it was or wasn’t

No I don’t because 1 this isn’t a court of law and 2 I never said it was I said there’s no way for anyone to know, but we can know what’s not faked, blue posts on the forums.

Also, Good morning all!


Enjoy all that copium.

You might need it later…I certainly don’t. I play within the rules, whether I use a KVM or not, and you’re having a hard time dealing with that apparently. I’m flattered, thanks for your concern.

Now, go hop on your alt and rant some more about things you’re completely clueless about. /shoo /shoo

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