Please add a glyph that lets me look like a wisp all the time client side. It used to be possible via 3rd party things but since they’ve been banned for years there’s no alternative. Its very detrimental to gameplay to constantly have to see my own avatar when you limit the camera to be centered around my model anyways, removing any need to be able to see my own character model
How is it “detrimental?”
Picks the largest character model in the game.
Complains about having to look at their Character.
Sorry buddy, but you can only help people that want to be helped.
There is zero chance of that happening but more power to this bizarre crusade.
this ^^^
I don’t remember there being a way to have this happen in-game, I may be wrong as I never played a nelf, but it sounds strange.
If there was an addon that did this and Blizz broke it, it means they don’t want this to be a thing and it is unlikely that this would be implemented in-game
It was a system file modification. Like the naked mods. Banned nearly 20 years ago right after the game released.
I used to know a combination of toys to make a wisp.
Monk cloud + small toon + hellheim + some glow effect. I was like Tinker Bell
Man are you playing the wrong game. Go first person.
the games not really designed for that anymore, and it favours larger models anyways so it becomes detrimental playing a shorter race for 3rd person and a different one for first person. I don’t get the fixation on appearance in this game during combat, you don’t have to see your character during combat it adds no benefit because the camera is locked and even then with no model collision it adds a false sense of interaction by preventing people from stacking on models when you try and cast on them.
Glyphs only alter spells, so what spell did you want altered?
There is a toy you can get, from Night Elf Archeology, though I’m not sure what the cooldown is on that.
This sounds cool lowkey. I always thought druids should have a convoke spell where u throw 16 wisps or something at ur enemies. It was afterall malfurion’s biggest achievement.
If you don’t mind being unable to target yourself, you can use /console showplayer to just… cease.
So you want to just stand in all the bad stuff, because you don’t know where your character is?
nice thank you
yeah I was going to post about the wisp form “toy” from archeology.
But id say its very similar to other shapeshift “toys” that “break” when you enter combat.
not sure though. still dont have this one myself. wanted to get it for some time now. thanks for reminding me about it.
Have you tried asking your avatar to moooove?
To sleep… perchance to dream…
There is a toy that does this. I have a NE named Wisper and I use it on her almost constantly. It does have a cool down unfortunately. It’s fun while ‘walking’ around major cities.
can you tell us if it cancels out when attacked/attacking