Glory of the Cataclysm Hero Meta Achievement, Bugged?

Seems alot of the achievements are bugged. Atleast ten…
We completed 18 out of the 28 today.

We ran every single achievement we weren’t able to complete 3 times today as a Guild Group. Anyone else or Blizzard, comment?


Also having the same problems with getting credit for some achievements like; Ready for Raiding, It’s Frost Damage, Kill it with Fire!, and Acrocalypse Now. Currently 21 out of 28 completed.

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Have they fixed any of the achievements yet?

My group tried a few hours ago with the deadmine achieves, we had trackers said we didnt fail anything and didnt get achieve. Only one that worked was the 20 rat kills. From reading other posts the uldum dungeon achieves are bugged aswell.

Same here for most of the DM achievements. Hopefully when they fix this we will get the achievements awarded.

Bumping for views! Let us get these bugs exterminated!

leave it to the clowns at blizzard to release games with so many bugs

bumping this. i have 6 that can’t be completed.

The 6 achievements are:
Kill it with fire!
It’s Frost Damage
Faster than the speed of light
Rotten to the Core
Vigorous VanCleef Vindicator
Ready for Raiding

Acrocalypse Now (maybe)
(i managed to complete “acrocalypse now” but i heard others have struggled with this)

The fact these are still bugged is insane. I know a lot of people that looked forward to completing Glory of the Hero before raids released as something fun to do, just like we got to do in WoTLK. But nope, still bugged weeks after release. Crazy.

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Yup, it’s pretty lame. They really screwed the pooch with the meta; with raids out now, it’s pretty trivialized.

I wonder how much time people have wasted on bugged achieves.

Just ran an achievement run with guildies, can confirm IAT tracked, said criteria met, gauntlet was backed by in game timer as well as tracking meta and no achievements earned.

Ready for Raiding
Vigorous VanCleef Vindicator
Frost Damage

Some of the achievements are fixed but Last boss in DM 100% not fixed still anything else?

Bounce in Hyjal still isn’t fixed either :frowning: