[BUG]s Glory of the Cataclysm Hero Sub Achievements


Hello, some of the achievements within the Glory of the Cataclysm Hero meta achievement are unobtainable.

In my experience there are 6 that you cannot complete. This has been OVER confirmed by myself and many others.

The 6 achievements are:
Kill it with fire!
It’s Frost Damage
Faster than the speed of light
Rotten to the Core
Vigorous VanCleef Vindicator
Ready for Raiding

Acrocalypse Now (maybe)
(i managed to complete “acrocalypse now” but i heard others have struggled with this)

There have been other posts:

  1. Blizz forum 1

  2. Very Detailed Reddit Post

  3. I tried to link 4 other blizz forum posts. but they would only let me link so many.

Please bump so we can get this fixed asap. Bugs happen in games… but this is straight up unachievable content.

IGN: Steezn (paladin)
Server: faerlina-us
Cataclysm Classic