Global chat

I just came back to WoW. I used to see chat in major cities. Pug raid groups and such. There’s none of that anymore. Is that gone or do i need to adjust settings somehow.

This is a bit complicated. Yes, you could try adjusting your settings, or perhaps you left the chat channels before you left the game.

But overall, no, you don’t see many pug listings anymore. That is generally taken care of in the Group Finder these days. It’s usually people chatting amongst themselves (usually about real world politics :roll_eyes:) or carry groups who are selling a spot in their next run.


I’d agree with Mel that you may want to check your chat settings to ensure you’re in the channels. You can try resetting your chat to default settings to see if that helps.


First thing to check is your settings.

Right-click on your chat tab, go to settings.

Make sure they’re all checked.