Glitch in posting gifs and YouTube

My trust level hasn’t changed. Is it a minor hiccup on forum?

Can you be more specific?

Just tried to post a usual gif this morning and it just put up a link…so tried a different one and still didn’t work ???

Nothing nasty … ones I’ve used before from giphy

Well, looks like it’s working.

Sorry to bother you.

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Seems to populate giphy gifs. Are you receiving any error messages? Can you try posting a link? Perhaps it’s not loading for you but is for others?


Oh there it goes… Might have just been something being derpy!

Yuck!!! Lol :wink:

It was the first Warcraft gif search result :sob:

Orc has better moves


Like that dance move better :grin: thank you


One day I’ll re-earn trust 3.

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