Glide as a Racial

Edit, because things definitely get lost in the sea:

I do think a compromise between flavour and function could work as well. Something like limiting the ability of non-Evoker Dracthyr to Glide inside instanced content would erase most all objections.


Original Post:

I have concerns. Glide negates knock back/up mechanics in PvE, and the idea of their being a race that can negate these mechanics is… worrisome.

Picture a fight like Ner’zul. A badly placed cleanse will kill anyone who can’t mitigate the knockback - with Dracthyr existing, suddenly racial choice can compensate for mechanical failure, and it never should to that degree. Dathea is also a good, recent example of a fight that would be impacted by the ability of a good chunk of classes being able to suddenly negate knockback with no cooldown.

Additionally, Glide can be spammed while running to move at a good clip faster than base movement speed - I’m not sure what speed exactly, but I have seen Evokers outpace Feral Druids with Glide tech.

Both of those things are totally acceptable, on a class-to-class basis (DH and Evoker), but a race with these advantages? It would be extremely difficult to argue that players would not race change for these things. Glide should absolutely not be kept as a racial and should be moved to Evoker only.

I completely understand and sympathise with the feeling that “I have wings, I have to be able to glide”, but from a racial balance perspective, I just can’t see how this can be kept as-is.

I haven’t considered the PvP side of this at all either, as it is not something I do, but I would not be surprised if there were issues on that end as well.

I really do hope this is addressed, but even if it is not, I wanted to at least express these concerns in the proper forum.


Respectfully, no.


Please do NOT remove glide. Good grief.

We already had three raids where there were plenty of knock backs and evokers didn’t break the game.

Do not destroy Dracthyr by removing this ability. Racial abilities have always had some give and take to them.

It’s fun to use, it’s enjoyable and it helps offset the fact they can’t wear armor in dragon form.


There is absolutely no valid reason for Glide and Double Jump to be available for anything outside of Evoker and Demon Hunter, the very thought of it is absurd.

Mobility is so extremely high at the moment and this will serve to worsen it. If there’s any integrity left for the game, this needs to be disabled at least in non-world content.

This will be used to negate knockback mechanics. This will be used to heightened the already high mobility of mages, warriors, etc. Do not listen to the players that aren’t affected by its absence.


Having Glide on non-Evokers is going to be extremely bad for both mobility scaling and encounter design in the future. Glide should not be available to non-Evoker Dracthyr


y’all are why we can’t have nice things.


having an entire race be able to negate any sort of knockback with 0 cooldown on top of being able to run nearly 150% fast as any other race on top of two separate AoE stops is just kind of absurd.

there’s a difference between “nice things” and “blisteringly overpowered”


I think that this is a valid concern, but I feel like this showcases more than anything else a series of questionable fight/class design overlaps rather than a problem with Dracthyr specifically.

Like, I think fights like Remnant of Ner’zhul are fundamentally extremely flawed (seriously; I’m pretty sure this fight would genuinely be a nightmare with Mass Dispel’s current cooldown and Priest being the only class with literally zero counterplay against the dispels so if two Priests get the debuff you’re burning a rez is toxic fight design), and I think that Dracthyr Glide being faster than a Priest casting Angelic Feather under their feet is a failure of class design.


You’re exaggerating at best.

The actual impact will be negligible.


warriors and mages getting jump and glide sounds straight up broken to the game. should be reconsidered


Any snare completely neuters Glide’s effectiveness.

It’s not going to be broken outside of incredibly niche scenarios like using glide to cross gaps that a normal jump wouldn’t be able to cross.


I’m really not. You can see spamming glide moves you WAY faster than any other non-Dracthyr can move. This is on top of negating any sort of displacement ability in pve. Again, all at no cooldown.

imgur . com/jHAtInA


bake it into evoker only for raids and pvp else reserve it just for world content only for other classes. simple fix.


If dracthyr wasn’t limited on release and included a wingless variant for non-evoker classes, I think a lot of people would have been happier, especially seeing how much flak they get for their design.

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Raid encounter design matters more than anything.

If we have fights like Mythic Raz and Dathea again where the groups getting punted around it’s going to make Dracthyr meta.

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No. We wanted dragons. Dragons have wings. Dragons fly.

You take out the wings it’ll be the lizard everyone’s always joking it to be.


Something will always be meta. The min maxers will always find some way to game the system.

There is no reason to nerf the dracthyr into the ground.


Something like this does seem like the better solution than just removing it entirely as a racial.

This definitely makes dracthyr the best race in any content where other racials aren’t absolutely necessary. Even taking strong racials like stoneform and shadowmeld into account, being completely immune to knockback/fall damage AND getting to move roughly 30% faster, just for playing a specific race, feels pretty ludicrous.


If every class is going to get glide dh should get compensated with an additional racial bonus or borrowed class ability. Seems fair