Glide as a Racial

The glide alone is mobility wise is worth quite a lot from a M+ perspective as well. Even not looking at the knock back, just travel time in dungeons where you cant mount, if you can move 10-15% faster, that’s not an insignificant time save. If you wipe it’s an even larger time save on a runback in dungeons where you can’t mount.


The problem is: they are dragonkin, not dragons.
I like the wings, but a lot of people don’t. A lot of people wanted drakonids, which was the thought behind my original comment.


I can’t overstate how broken Glide would be on classes that were designed without it in mind.

Glide is about a 10-yard clip at 180% movement speed; it is hyper-important to have this mobility when you have reduced ability ranged.

Glide is knockback reduction; it is hyper-important to have this reduction when you have reduced ability range.

Evoker mobility is dependent on Glide. Hover is an iconic movement ability, but Hover is worse in a straight line than a Priest’s Angelic Feather.

Evoker mobility is highly impacted by Empowered Spells. Evoker needs to consistently and quickly position in order to use Empowered Spells.
This is even a consideration w/ movement tools, in our own kit, like Spatial Paradox, which DOES NOT allow casting of Empowered Spells.

So, what happens when you give an instant cast 180% movement speed dash to a class without limited ability range and spell cast restrictions?

  1. A set of insanely powerful spell and movement capabilities.
    -Heroic Leap, Glide at the apex anyone? See-ya-later anyone chasing the enemy flag character.
    -180% movement speed levitating, ground effect immune, knockback immune, cast while moving Spatial Paradox Priest? Yes, please.
  2. A herd of derpy T-Rex armed dargoons still trying to get in range of the boss.

Ive heard nothing but complains and critiques from 90% of the non evoker players and even part of the evoker players themselves about how the race “horrible looking, skinny lizards, no mogs in dragon form” etc. Etc. Etc. I seriously doubt people outside of maybe high keys elitists will race change only because they can glide.

Besides is not like if most of the classes they are getting allready have movement tools to deal with knockback mechanics and have faster execution than gliding (warrs chage/leap, rogues chains, mages blinks) that make them more appealing to use on a quick reaction situation to quickly get back in place instead of slowly gliding back to ground.

If this cause concern. There are other ways to deal with it that Don’t require clipping the race wings. They could simply make it non usable in combat for non evoker Dracthyrs or having it enter a small cooldown if used on combat. But completely removing the ability to glide from a race with natural wings is completely absurd and immersion breaking for the race fantasy.


Certain stun mechanics might be used in various fights to balance things.

As far as Glide having an edge in any PVE capacity, we’ve had Dracthyr and DH for all of Dragonflight and the most I can remember it affecting anything is how quickly they get down the stairs and through the stealth detectors in the Azure Vaults and maybe how quickly the can recover from magmorax pushback.

Dracthyr barely edged out a monk, rogue, feral druid for speed when crossing the bridge to Smolderon.

Number of raid encounters with knock-up/push back mechanics, where glide may be helpful = 2.5
Dathea, magmorax, and maybe fyrakk when he changes to dragon form…

I never remember anyone yelling “nerf glide”.

This is such a small part of any fight we’ve done or will be doing. Truly making a mountain out of a mole hill.


So the WoW community has become that which they hate.

Fun detected…must argue for its removal now.

Y’all are why we can’t have nice things.


All Dracthyr have wings.

Not being able to use them would be the stupidest thing since American white bread.


There is a large difference between something being on a per-class basis, and on a racial basis.

Multiple people are right, there is nothing broken about Evoker and DH having glide - because you have to be an Evoker or a DH to have it. There isn’t a hunter with Cheetah and disengage on CD looking at another hunter who is a Dracthyr leaving them in the dust and going “well heck”, which outside of combat is mostly benign, but less so in high movement frequency fights for those that burn through movement tools (and could feel pretty bad in M+ run backs where there are no mounts, but not really the end of the world there, because something else already went horribly wrong lol).

To the others saying “they could adjust how fights are made” or “it only matters on some fights”, my point is this: if you have to adjust how fights are made because of a racial, then the racial is the problem. It only matters on some fights? You shouldn’t have to watch other players of the same class as you completely disregard mechanics that are potentially killing you.

Certainly, many classes have ways to gap close away knock backs, which is good and everyone in the class has access to these with the same timings, and the same drawbacks when mechanics are too frequent to mitigate them all. Glide is uniquely useful in that it has no cooldown, and no chance of being messed up.

Some have floated the idea of Glide incurring a cooldown in combat or being disable in instances for non-Evoker, and that does seem like a better solution to me, because I do agree that the thought of Dracthyr that can’t use their wings outside of Soar at all is pretty silly.

Edit: I forgot to mention but also should stress, that this is on top of the two AoE stops Dracthyr have - I see no issue with these after the cooldowns were increased to be in-line with similar racials, but Glide in addition to them is where this problem occurs. I could probably swallow Glide as their only active racial, though I wouldn’t really be there for it, but the combination with the two stops is what pushes it over solidly over the line.


People were race changing to Goblin for rocket boost. Glide is far, far more op

These are both specific classes, not an entire race where every class can get glide for free on top of the base class mobility as well lol


Giving everyone who changes to a drac a knockup, knock back, and glide is insane. M+ and PvP are going to experience a horrible balancing arms race as they both turn into bouncy houses if nothing gets changed.


If anything, having a racial Glide on top of existing class movement abilities brings these other classes up to par with Drac/DH.

Evoker had two charges of hover + blessing of the Bronze + Glide.

DH has two charges of fel rush (or Infernal Strike) + Mastery increasing movement speed + Glide

Warrior has two stocks of Charge + heroic leap. Will have Glide.

Mage, two stock of blink and no other movement ability. Will have Glide.

In any case, I’m glad it’s happening and I’m sorry that you feel this will break the game.


That’s more or less exactly the issue. The ideal of racial balance is that people shouldn’t feel that any one race has a big enough advantage over another that they want to swap to it for only that reason, and not because they like it…


I think you’re missing the point here. Evoker / DH are specifically designed around these tools. A priest is not designed around moving 130% faster with a glide and double AoE stops.


The glide by it’s self doesn’t worry me as much as the glide combined with a free knock back, and knock up, does. All three of these for classes that never had this before is wild… In pve and especially in pvp I am concerned this will become a problem.

The glide by it’s self is already going to be insanely powerful on some of these classes and make their fall protection tools redundant.


This is the epitome of making a mountain out of a mole hill.


Its really not, it is a fair concern to have. This could become a problem easily. It’s a lot of free utility these classes never had.


These “Dracthyr/Dragons have wings. They fly,” arguments are strange. They have Soar, Wing Swipe, and Tail Buffet which are far more flavor than most of the existing races already.

By that logic, why can’t Worgen run on all fours in combat all the time, and instead they have a ground mount equivalent of Soar and a cooldown to increase their speed by a little bit? Why can’t Tauren use their horns and hooves all the time instead of just having War Stomp and Bull Rush on a cooldown? Why aren’t Forsaken classified as Undead and immune to Humanoid CC skills?

People should play Dracthyr if they like the race, not because Glide is too much of a general advantage to pass up. That is on top of two AoE CCs (That have increased cooldown compared to Evoker but I haven’t seen anyone complain about, by the way, yet apparently Glide staying is so important), out-of-combat regen for the entire party and Mastery passive. They would still be a solid race choice without Glide.


This. ^
Dracthyr have so many advantages (even negligible ones outside of combat) that are going to set a strange precedent going forward.

The fact that the race is now playable solely in visage (despite being a good idea I am in full support of) is going to cheapen it overall if we just have everyone running around as slightly draconic elves solely because they want superior racials.

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You’re whole core point is that glide will give an OP advantage. A class not being “designed around these tools” is irrelevant vague nonsense.

Even if a priest wasn’t designed around moving faster with glide, how does it make them OP to have it now when the advantage it gives is niche at best.

It’s disingenuous to your arguments about glide to now bring up the double AOE Stops.

You’re saying glide will be OP on these classes and I’m saying it’s not. I guess we’ll have to wait and see.