Gladiator should be a participation reward

whats really going on friend? this is a lot to breakdown.

This I’d be on board with. Legend mount recolor of the glad mount (for the sake of keeping 3v3 mains happy, give it less armor or glow effects or something), and same for rated bgs and 2s for 2400+ 100 wins (e.g., different recolors for each bracket).

I disagree. It’s a lot easier to get nowadays for sure, but you still have to be in the top 1%-5% of the player base depending on the season to get it, which excludes a lot of people regardless as to how many hours they are willing to do 3v3 arena.

Technically, the mount for doing so many wins above 1k rating isn’t even a participation award (though effectively it is, because I don’t know if it’s possible to be stuck sub 1k rating).

To me, a participation award would just be something like “you played 1000 games of arena, or you won 5000 games of arena at any mmr, enjoy your free mount” :slight_smile:

they do glad mount recolours every season til the next expac tf you asking for

the answer is no btw

I don’t know what you’re trying to say here.

My point is that if a goal is so out of reach that people don’t bother going for it then it’s not doing the job of boosting participation. The 3’s bracket has some of the worst participation of all time. I can’t even find queues as a healer

I think everyone should making a living wage regardless of education.

That’s not being inclusive. I have my reasons for not being 2400. It isn’t worth my mental health to care enough about pushing that high. I rage way too much and leave my matches literally shaking and screaming if I can ever find queues to begin with

I agree but the participation could still be improved

maybe not explicitly

i understand your perspective and i understand why you in particular have that perspective

the reality though is that there should be more rewards but you start getting them at 1600 which is a rating that has almost 0 players with triple digit games played at overall

The tweet isn’t arguing against rewards at higher ratings. It was stating that a lot of the ideas I see, and notice I said they were good ideas, are aimed at the higher end of the bracket. Very few people want to incentivize unrated or just rated pvp in general. Ratings aside. If you want to remove the bottom end of the bracket then fine. Then I can make the argument the pvp player base is non existent, and there is a reason there is so much MMR issues right now. So my argument is still valid because then it can be instead of "rewards for lower ratings’ to “rewards to get people to queue”.

That tweet isn’t me arguing against high rated rewards.

I mean they are real. They are just no the hardcore side of the player base. Something else to consider is while they may not have triple digits on one character, they could have multiple alts they play too at different times of the season. It’s kind of like the top end of the bracket having a ton of alts in the mix as well.

Now days looking at a single character doesn’t tell the story. So many people play alts and switch characters throughout the season now. I shadowlands there was a season I had a RBG games played broken down like this.

Mage: 70
Hunter: 175
Rogue: 80

I asked this because I am pretty sure the Blizzard API only allows 3rd party sites to pull 1500+ and has a limit on the number of characters. So there has to be a lot of manual updated being done to keep things accurate and below 1500 has to be done manually period.

To give you an example. According to Drustvar 205 characters are in R1 range right now in 3v3. There are people in seasons that have have 6 to 8 alts in R1 range. Lets say 4 people had 5 alts in R1 range. Those 4 people already are 10% of the 205 characters. Just 4 people.

TDLR Blizzard is the only one that knows the real numbers.

I can relate 100%, especially with the mental health part. I don’t sweat video game ratings anymore, and my mental health is 1000x better for it (e.g., not having to encounter toxic lfg players, hear discord emo rage, etc.).

If a game makes me feel worse after playing it, then I know I need to cut back or stop playing that game. Games are my escape nowadays.

My point though, is that if you really (I mean really, really) want something, you will often be able to get it. We all have some degree of physical limitation in certain cases (sometimes more than that), and things most often will not happen overnight, but if you (or I, or anyone else reading this) REALLY wanted to get gladiator, 6 figure job, 7 figure job, a 6 pack, win a body building competition, become a doctor, get a bachelors degree, become a successful just chatting streamer, etc., it is possible.

It’s not that glad is impossible for most, it’s just that the majority aren’t motivated or disciplined enough to do what it takes (or would take) to actually achieve it (myself included).

Maybe it’s a personal mindset thing idk, but I know that if I wanted (or cared enough) to be a multi-glad, I could and would do it. If I wanted to be a rank 1, well, I don’t think I’d be able to get that without increasing my playtime by 1000%, getting coaching from r1s, studying and practicing my butt off all day every day, possibly for 6+ months to multiple years, etc., but in my mind if I want it bad enough, I will work my a$$ off and figure out a way to get it.

Obviously though due to late starts, age, physical handicaps, etc., being in the top 0.1% of something isn’t always feasible because of how stiff the competition is, but more often than not, you can get pretty close.

100% agree, and more rewards scattered throughout the lower mid-range mmrs would certainly help, even if it’s something as small as a pet, or mog item every 50 rating or so.

I just don’t want to see what few at least relatively prestigious rewards that are still out there get devalued into nothingness.

play with whatever this season

Or they could make an entirely new reward like that that’s like a long-form version of the seasonal mount.

I don’t think there’s anything that’s actually gonna ‘save PVP.’ It’s kind of just something that either you do or you don’t. Solo queue options was probably the smartest move on Blizzard’s behalf because for a lot of players the LFG boss is the hardest hurdle to tackle. (Some of these people sit 45 minute queues to play a few rounds, for Christ’s sake lol)

After that? The game is just annoying, no one likes being CC’d, no one likes watching their CR get crushed over a bad night of queues, and making R1 accessible to current Combatants will only create a surge in participation for a season or two before everyone gets bored of getting the same rewards, and doing the same content.

Probably the major saving grace to PVE is dungeons/raids change up each season (and that 3/4 of the content is something a large chunk of the playerbase is capable of because you don’t lose progress and Blizzard creates gear avenues to make the content easier, and easier to tackle). Even if they drop Glad down to like what’s currently 2100 levels of difficulty, I might get 1 or 2, then who cares? I’m sure most people would feel the same way.

If Blizzard was going to do anything, I think they should set a standard for exactly how hard they want reaching tiers of rating to be, and actively adjust on a week-by-week basis to match it each season. That way if you’re a glad or a Combatant, that’s just what you are unless you get better, and set it up where you don’t have to wait until late season to do it. I just hit 1800 on a class I’d never played before in like a day last week, I was playing into total goons where the games were laughably easy–early season it was hard hitting 1800 on a class I’d played a lot of.


That grimace shake really devastated you

yah, just add more cosmetic and quality of life rewards

however, current wow maintenance team mgmt isn’t too big on providing extra value on stuff right now

their entire budget is treated as a declining department instead of a still massively profitable IP

yeah you’re playing with an aug.

why does everyone want a participation award now? Lol gtfo


Time to give players what they want like brutosaur and gladiator mounts

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Aside from the glad mounts and reputation locked mounts, I think pmuch every other mount in the game would be a great thing to give a chance on in a bmah box every so many games.

People would surely love the mystery factor + opportunity to pump up their mount collection.

I would say let any mount from a previous expansion that’s otherwise farmable or purchasable have a chance to drop from the bmah boxes. Keep it at 1 box limit per day even, and keep the mount chance comparable to what they are from their respective raids/dungeons.

That would keep us running on the hamster wheel longer imo.

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If they get it from the BMAH box and they already have it, can’t they put it in the AH for gold cap?

The box is bind on pickup.

After reading all the replies it’s clear to me that it should be a participation reward. It’s cool to see all the support to change. I’m hoping someone from blizzard reads this!

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Even if they drop Glad down to like what’s currently 2100 levels of difficulty, I might get 1 or 2, then who cares?

This! This is waiting for you all and you will drag this game to the bottom with your begging. Easy rewards don’t bother anyone, casuals are not interested in the game, just “give me a reward for logging into the game.” A shame.