Truth be told, the issues with the Orb HAVE been around for a long time. They are accentuated after 8.3 because we’ve never really faced the kind of density and hard hitting mobs prior to 8.3. Not unusual to look to kite a pack aggroed on you but everywhere you can go, mo’ mobs. Not to mention that very frequently, they can come out of the woodwork (I see them spawn on top of me).
BUT delaying our most damaging spell has GOT to be fixed… leaving it in this state is a sure fire way for me to look to other MMOs.
This is likely an issue with an icicle running out right before you attempted to cast, resulting in a failed GS. It’s a common issue, present since Legion. It’s hard to track because of how icicle buff works, but that’s probably it.
Secondly, someone else mentioned in the thread an essence interaction. Not sure if this is intentional but Lucid Dreams can refund your icicles, resulting in the ability to double cast GS in some scenarios. Something like this can also add confusion to the rotation.
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icicles despawn once the icicle and GS
buff timer reaches zero, which is visible. The timer is rather long so i dont think losing icicles in combat is the issue.
Lucid dreams minor sometimes gives you one icicle per spell, not all five icicles for one spell.
I’ve casted GS with less than 5 icicles appearing on weakauras and visually on my toon. I think the issue might be the “GS ready!” Buff not properly erasing. I’ll have to watch that buff next time.
I just went by the Dreams tooltip, I don’t use it even though I actually have a rank 4.
I never really noticed this at all prior to 833… I’ll have to try and keep a closer eye on IL, BUT yesterday I THOUGHT I saw the cast animation in Quartz kinda indicate an IL was going off… I’ll try and specifically look at that.
Since patch 8.3 hit, running Lucid Dreams minor seems to refund a GS. I’ll see it can still be cast right after casting a GS and my weak aura will typically show 1 icicle (believe I have seen zero icicles too). If you are lucky Ebonbolt is on hand, otherwise most times you build back up to 5 icicles because frost bolt doesn’t give you a timely brain freeze proc.
Personally I hope it sticks around, it’s a nice little perk you can use on trash packs with splitting ice talent. On single target, really not much value as still need a BF proc.
Edit - have never had GS not be available to cast when at 5 icicles, have had an icicle expire when moving to more mobs and that typically means you have to chain 3 or so frost bolts because that many drop off while casting a FB to establish back to 5. As long as I mash GS before the glow fades, it always casts regardless if icicles expire.
As to the frozen orb, yes standing back 10+ yards will stop it on mobs almost all the time. The other thing I noticed is mobs with large hit boxes it will stop on. Have moved to frost nova in melee, back off 10 yards and then launching Orb.
The buff timer does not track 1 icicle at a time, rather all 5 and it slowly loses stacks as the timer ticks down, similar to Chorus of Insanity. So no, it’s not really clear, and so may be confusing to some.
Lucid dreams minor sometimes gives you one icicle per spell, not all five icicles for one spell.
This is incorrect as of 8.3, could be a bug. But I won’t complain about it!
I can confirm, over several M+ 6-9 jan 21, that Glacial Spike is indeed bugged, or atleast not functioning properly, that sometimes, it’ll cast (even splitting ice cast 2) and then immediately be ready to cast again, and on trash, thats another 1-2 spikes, and once it reset again and cast another 1-2. after I was paying attention to every single cast of glacial spike, looking for the free casts, I noticed that “glacial spike ready” would again pop up, but with 0-2 icicles actually ready, and even my buddies when i pointed it out to them said it was bugged visually, i cast a Glacial spike with 3 icicles in the buff, 2 showing visusally, and glacial spike ready buff.
Since 8.3 dropped I’ve been getting double glacial spikes on occasion, but over the last few days I’ve been having a new issue of not having glacial spike available despite having 5 icicles. Anyone else running into this?
Yeah, I had that issue in raid last night. Kept throwing me right off. 
Since I’ve been maining Arcane for 5 years I’ll weigh in. Arcane does not get tanked by movement, lack of knowing fight timers and not using Shimmer and Displacement properly is what will tank someone’s DPS as Arcane (assuming they know the rotation properly).
Yea playing last night I noticed this.
during raid last night i had this bug with glacial spike where i could not cast it at 5 icicles. it happened on every boss multiple times. the only thing i can think of is the extra icicle generated from lucid dreams minor not always registering. one of the raiders who also plays frost was complaining of the same issue. anyway, please fix this!!
Guildie had that bug last night, while I did not. Wonder if it is only seen with specific gear or certain levels of a secondary. Or traits, she has 2 Flash Freeze, while I have 3.
In raid last night, did not see any GS buff available after casting GS.
i’m running x3 flash freeze. never had an issue with this prior to 8.3. it seems like a visual bug, my character will have 5 icicles above her, but in the buffs it will say 4 icicles. i tested it out more on the training dummies, and only seems to happen with lucid dreams minor - which is unfortunately one of the top simming essences for no ice lance/glacial build.
I’ve noticed a few things
A) Sometimes I can cast glacial spike twice in a row
B) Sometimes the ammount of ice spikes above my head and on the counter dont match. I’ll have 5 above my head but the buff says four
C) Corrolary to the above. I’ll have 1 ice spike remain “stuck” despite the fact I’ve been out of combat and they should all be expired.
Came here to find if it was only me and I can confirm that it’s definitely a sync issue between the amount of icicles above your head and the amount you actually have via the buff.
Can someone confirm that as long as you use a weak aura to track the 5-stack, you’ll still always cast GS when you’re supposed to? In addition, should we spam GS if “ready” is still up after a GS cast, even if the 5-stack is gone?
Funny, getting an extra GW with fewer than 5 stacks I never see… mostly because I count on my TMW popping up an icon WHEN there are 5 stacks! AND the thing for me is I have absolutely noticed this whereas I never noticed it prior to 8.3… might be an idea for me to figure out how to record video so I was really see what is going on.
FWIW I am not able to get a free GS cast after a GS, trying a few times yesterday. I wonder if it’s because my ping is low?
The issue I’m running into is it’ll look like I have five icicles floating above my character’s head but the buff count is actually only at four.