Hi all and thank you for taking the time to read my post my hope is that someone with a deeper understanding of the class & a better ability to communicate may take something from this and help to bring 2h closer to the historically stronger DW build.
The Issue
I know there is a lot of concern regarding the re-introduction of the 2-Handed Frost playstyle, especially in regards to the Killing Machine bonus not scaling anywhere near as well as the mastery bonuses from taking the Razorice enchant on the second weapon in a Dual Wield play style; especially late into the expansion as has historically been the case.
This second enchant has made frost strike, as well as a Frost Death Knights numerous other abilities (more recently Frostscythe, Breath and Whelps) significantly more damaging, while Killing Machineâs bonuses from the 2h playstyle never scaled as well.
One thing to bare in mind is that Dual Wield is likely to lose out on the Fallen Crusader buff to have Razorice & the Increased Runic Power Bank for a Breath of Sindragosa build, which may bring the numbers closer together also
A Potential Solution
The solution to the problem I feel comes from the talent Glacial Advance. I believe that this would help a 2-handed playstyle Frost Death Knight still be able to take advantage of the benefits that the Dual Wield playstyle benefits from without the scaling issues; albeit they will be hamstrung into taking Glacial Advance as a talent over Gathering Storm or Hypothermic Presence (more on this later)
Glacial Advances current tooltip on the PTR states that the spell âsummons glacial spikes that advance forward, each dealing XX attack power % frost damage, and applying Razorice to all near its eruption point.â
If Glacial Advance does indeed inflict Razorice on the targets as per the tooltip, then a 2h play style will still close the gap on the damage of Frost Strike that has historically been a scaling issue in the past (2h does 45% damage, Dual Wield does 31% x 2). I believe that this method will take 2h away from the Breath Build and steer it more towards a strong Obliteration build, which offers a very different stylistic and thematic playstyle to the Breath of Sindragosa, which is where I believe a Dual Wield build belongs.
Talent Synergies
2 Hander - Icy Talons / Murderous Efficiency / Frostscythe or Avalanche / Glacial Advance / Obliteration.
This is based around the strengths of the 2h build, which is the consumption of Killing Machine. Stacking Icy Talons and Murderous Efficiency keeps a steady income of Killing Machine Procs and refunded rune states.
If Glacial Advance spreads Razorice to all of the inflicted targets, it makes for a strong AoE build.
Frostscythe would allow for strong on demand AoE especially when paired with Obliteration, while Avalanche combined with the new frost Legendary â *RAGE OF THE FROZEN CHAMPION - Obliterate has a 15% increased chance to trigger [Rime] and [Howling Blast] generates Runic Power while [Rime] is activeâ will have extremely good synergy for a sustained single target AoE with what I would call âmajor cleaveâ. I feel that without the spread of Razorice via Glacial Advance, which will be the major RP spender for a 2h Obliteration build, this legendary wonât get picked over Koltiraâs Favour, as well as suffering long term due to so much of Frostâs AoE being frost damage based.
This works as the amount of Killing Machine procs would be accelerated due to Icy Talons, the rime from the legendary feeds into more Glacial Advance spending, and a 2h build stays as a Big Hitting Obliteration spam build reacting to procs and weaving in Glacial Advance and RW; allowing the Dual Wield build to be tailored with a lot more nuance with Gathering Storm & Hypothermic Presence with Breath and other Legendaries.
I also feel that for a breath build Venthyr is absolutely necessary, and any Frost Death Knight will be hamstrung into choosing that covenant. This may have major repercussions if one playstyle pulls too far ahead of the other in terms of performance.
With an alternative Obliteration build, the other covenants begin to look more appealing; especially Night Fae which will boost the Death Knightâs strength and lead to hefty Obliteration numbers.