Glacial Advance - The answer to the 2h vs Dual Wield Scaling Debate?


So it’s just a talent slot that apples RI up to 5 targets then.

Even less so if you’re not using RI.

Freaking yikes man.

Currently not a good pick for 2H it seems. AoE razorice is valuable but don’t think it’ll make up for the damage loss from other talents.

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Then why not just get rid of Might giving 25% oblit damage, and instead make it do 15% frost damage, then put the 25% oblit damage on Obliteration as a passive for those that was the bigger obliterate build that isnt just limited to 2h?

That would fix the issues wouldnt it? It would address DW having an extra runeforge, and fix the aoe issues while providing a spec playstyle instead of a weapon playstyle.

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I’m glad someone actually read the post…

“If Glacial Advance just applied razorice like is being asked instead of requiring to have Razorice, it has a what? 5 second CD now?”

Even if it spread to ST rather than anything that it touches it would still help massively, and allows those who take Razorice on their weapon to take one of the other talents instead.

I like this suggestion of putting the 25% damage as a passive in Obliteration a lot. The problem has always been mastery scaling with DW and Frost Strike later into the expansion as secondaries scale as you’re well aware. Letting 2h tap into that would be grand.

And thats why you just put 15% frost damage into MotFW to solve that scaling issue. It frees up everything and allows the spec to be played instead of the weapon.

So if MotFW gave 15% frost damage, Obliteration gave Obliterate 25% increased damage all the time, then it would open things up. 2h would still be kind of forced into Obliteration because it still gets less KM procs, but thats what happens when DW just works better with the spec.

Its easy. Just get rid of DW for 2 expansions. No more balance problems.

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So why are you on the beta if this is the feedback that you give?

I get every alpha and beta. Who knows? I do submit a lot of bug reports though so theres that.

But why get rid of DW when 2h is the problem? Its needing band aids on top of band aids to keep itself together to compete. Not saying 2h should be removed, just trying to show how your “remove DW” constant remarks just make you look salty and not actually interested in good design.

If you arent interested in getting DW and 2h to a design level that addresses the differences then you arent actually helping anyone and complaining to the void about DW. The spec is a DW spec no matter how much you guys protest. It was designed with that in mind from the very beginning. And if 2h was so superior then why in cata did they need MotFW?

That’s a terrible suggestion predicated on the idea that 2h should be a talent option, rather than a major playstyle. Absolutely awful suggestion.

What? How do you get to that conclusion?

Then why not just get rid of Might giving 25% oblit damage, and instead make it do 15% frost damage

Frost Damage is not actually an issue for 2h anymore, and wouldn’t be remotely close to Razorice in effectiveness. The scaling issue was an issue before Versatility was added to the game, which is a universal damage scaler that did not exist during MoP. M+ will allow a player to perfectly itemize a character, which also wasn’t possible.

Looking at MoP 2h frost for context into SL 2h frost is a mistake. A lot has changed. Adding things that would have made MoP 2h better won’t help SL 2h.

then put the 25% oblit damage on Obliteration as a passive for those that was the bigger obliterate build that isnt just limited to 2h?

The only thing separating the DW and 2h build on the scaling and math side is the oblit damage and KM proc rates. Putting one of those factors in a universal talent removes a unique scaling factor from 2h, which would increase the likelihood of a single definitive build, as 2h and DW would be more closely aligned.

As it stands right now, there is a scaling route for 2h haste and crit for rotation, verse as the damage amp, and there’s a scaling route for DW, haste+crit until breakpoint followed by mastery stacking. The two aren’t the same. Putting any of MotFW on a universal ability accessible to DW will blur the lines between builds, which naturally prefers DW for the runeforge slot.

You’re straight up suggesting removing a unique scaling mechanic from 2h to add to DW, while giving 2h passive damage in return. No, that is an absolute trash suggestion.

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Um, all entirely wrong. One you guys think there should be 2 seperate builds… why? Other than “WoD” you have no reason for it. Be honest.

Im not suggesting adding anything to DW, im suggesting adding it to the spec. Guess what 2h would still be able to get it… ITS A TALENT.

You just went through this whole thing and said absolutely nothing.

The only reason why you guys probably want it to be split because you dont want to even be reminded of DW. Sorry, but my suggestion actually opens up options. And 2h would also get a 15% increase in frost damage so what are you actually even complaining about?