Giving blood elves a black skin tone is a bit lazy

Oh! Cool, ppl like you are the best source of income for moneymongers. Good! Good!

I’m sure you probably have an appropriately classically edgy image of what a “moneymonger” looks like.

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Love this:


Sure. Just googled “Warcraft Devi” and it was like the eighth result. Google Books excerpt.

I personally can deal with the [lazily implemented] blue eyes and dark skin, if it allows Blizzard to focus on potentially more crazy races like Tuskar and Ogres being implemented.

HOWEVER, I cannot stand how condescending and dismissive the people defending this are. We’ve got the classic moral crusaders, completely dismissing the criticism and many accusing critics of the dark skin as being… well you all know.

Everyone needs to chill. No one has moral authority over someone else. Everyone has a right to not like something and shouldn’t be libeled as monsters. If you do that, you are arguably part of the very same problem you seek to destroy.

I’m not going to bother spending time on it, because the other side beats the point into the ground enough already, but this goes both ways. Critics should be respectful, even if they don’t like the skin color choice.

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And that’s why there’s an issue. It perverses the reality of the lore. Elves have always been pale. If we are arguing “inclusivity” “custimization” then just add a slider of all the colors of the rainbow and be done with it. But dont just randomly make elves black and tell me it isnt some “sjw political correctness” infiltration of the game. Objectively speaking. (Wouldve said the same thing if the change was red, pink, green etc)

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Why did you have to necro this? If you want to go back to whining about black blood elves make a new thread.


no lore behind them dark-skinned dwarves, elves, WoW-humans, gnomes, etc. just suck-it-up, and enjoy’em. as far as we’re supposed to know, they’ve been here all along. eitherway, i’m happy we’re getting more options.


Actually they evolved from Dark Trolls, had violet skin due to exposure to the well of eternity, and then upon leaving kalimdor their skin only lost the violet hue that came from the magics of the well. So their skin color has definitely not always been pale, and what their more natural skin tones would be is unspecified. However, as they evolved from dark skinned trolls it really isn’t unreasonable to think they would have dark skinned members of their society.

As for why the change/improvement to options now? The game has improved over time. Lots of assets have received updates, lots of things in game have received new and unique models.

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Sure buddy.

No it isn’t. I think having Brown/Black Skin Tunes is more original and gives races in wow variety. Plus it gives people more freedom to be a Brown Elf, Gnome, Dwarf, and etc than just being Human.

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Seriously considering this look for my paladin


Humanity is the worse thing to ever be produced from evolution.


It’s literally the opposite of lazy, they have to do work to make this change.

Try again.

Yeah player choice over lore huh?

The issue here is not that there are now darker skin tone blood elves.

The issues here are a number but I will try to break it down.

  1. They go against the lore that has already been pretty much established. Wow is part of a fantasy world.

Meaning, Wow is it’s own world. It should not be influenced by our real world really at all.

The lore that I know of, is that blood elves come from a population of night elves that changed and became high elves.

These high elves formed their own unique society (and were altered by a sunwell) which does not work like the sun in the real world towards human skin.

The sunwell, (like the nightwell for nightborne) is a magical well that made this small group of former night elves into lighter skin pale or really pinkish high elves.

And that is another example: The nightborne. The nightborne are an offshoot elven race that came from some of the original elves that the night elves sprung from.

However, these elves due to long term isolation and arcane energies were changed.

They were exposed to a night well (a smaller well part of the well of eternity) for a very long time and their skin tones became darker.

Why you can choose dark blue, darkish greenish/blue and even some form of dark purple.

Point is, the nightwell changed their skin tones, and due to very long term exposure and isolation it has a story behind this change. Which is fine.

Then arcane energies (due to doubling down on arcane magic) made them have partially infused arcane bodies. Why they have an racial arcane pulse and arcane infused eyes.

Again, fine since all of this has been explained.

But now with this said, going back to the blood elves.

Anyway, then Arthas comes and devastates this society.

The survivors of Artha’s undead crusade change their racial name to blood elves but are still former high elves (again who were altered by a sunwell).

The issue here than is that where did these darker skin blood elves come from?

Secondly, Player choice over lore really?

So, say Marvel makes a game regarding Black Panther okay in the future at some point.

It’s okay (since hey, lore doesn’t mean anything, and it’s just a fictional world) to say then suddenly change some or many of the fictional Wakanda’s in Africa suddenly to lighter skin tones which would mimic “white people in real life” because hey some of those players in this future black panther game are white and like you said player choice over lore?

Of course, if they did that, they would alter the story of Black Panther wouldn’t they.

I mean if your going to go that route you could make an alternative Black Panther from an alternate reality who is a white man instead of a black man.

Of course if they did that, they would be kind of changing the dynamics of Black Panther’s adventures wouldn’t they since,

Black Panther isn’t just a superhero, imbued with semi magical powers. He is a leader of an African country and on top of that his character has been partially shaped by the reality that he is a black man not just representing his country in Africa but throughout the world.

But, hey in a future game with Black Panther than, if some of the player base happened to be white people than you don’t have a problem making some of those future game Wakandans white since player choice over lore right?


That is all.

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Well, considering that the Sin’dorei are Kaldorei who were told to shove off because “reasons” and the Kaldorei are descendants of shadow trolls, I don’t think you really know what you’re talking about. I think this is one of those threads.

Yes, owners of the IP can do whatever they want to their lore or source material contrary to previous established world building.

But that’s the whole point isn’t it?

They didn’t add a reason to this new population?

If they had at least done that, there would be an explanation?

Maybe some blood elves found a new island with a new type of blood elf on it and incorporated them into society would at least have been a “weak” but albeit explanation?

No explanation whatsoever? Just all of a sudden they now exist?

To be honest, I would imagine they got it from humans. So, any dark-skinned High/Blood/Void Elf would have had some human ancestry in their past. That’s my personal speculation on it, at least.

I’d like more black skin tones for elves though. There needs to be a bigger spectrum.