Giving blood elves a black skin tone is a bit lazy

We will probably get kyrians as a neutral allied race. So Smurfs ahoy.

It’s been pointed out already that there are a ton of things in this game lore-wise that don’t make sense. It says nothing good about you if this is the hill you choose to die on.

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And funny wizards that turn into birds. And fox people. And demons. And dwarves and elves and gnomes. And goblins that have televisions.

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I do. It is not that hard. All it needs is a little effort and awesome writing.

I’m actually asking a question, please answer without trying to insult me.

So I’m not wrong in my question, you’re saying you can’t have a fantasy video game that’s different than real life because if you do, you run the risk of people being more racist?

I have no problem with diversity, don’t put words in my mouth.

I have problems with a FANTASY game creating characters with every specific features, then throwing them all out the window without an explanation.


It 100% is. You can’t make a race in a video game and have a very specific physical critera for said race, then completely throw that all out the window and start adding things that don’t make sense without an explanation.

That doesn’t make sense, hence why it needs an explanation.

I’d be fine with accepting this if it were a single player game where I didn’t have to see millions of other players running around. Everyone running around with the same exact artifact weapons was bad enough.

You know you can turn name tags off, right…?

Can you try actually reading my writing without intentionally trying your hardest to misunderstand me?


You don’t have to roleplay with them.

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True. And Blizzard had been called on it many times (the retconning and many other inconsistencies in the lore so they can fix them).

No. It says I am not afraid to discuss race and ethnicity without having it to be an issue of ‘prejudice’ all the time.

well i’m willing to discuss it with you. what race gettng darker skin colors, do you feel need an explanation?

because they wanted to.

well, they can, because they just did. also, again, nightborne. they came out of left field too, along with highmountain tauren who JUST so happen to be friends with cenarious without any mention of them before. or how the titans apparently did’nt all die and were in some weird spirit form. it’s called new lore friend.

it does, because blizzard says it makes sense.

so… your upset because you don’t want to see others running around as dark-skinned elves? must… not… call-out… how racist/petty that sounds…

yeah, but then i’d miss out on the funny names. :stuck_out_tongue:

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But they are represented in the humans of the game and have been from the start. Blood elves are not african american humans, they’re blood elves. They’re not even related to humans or are you saying that fantasy games can no longer have unique races with specific features without offending people?

The reason it’s an issue is because blood elves specifically were designed and described as a fair skinned elven race of the north.

No? I don’t want a game designers work forcefully changed to something it wasn’t originally designed as purely because someone’s demanding it look the way they want it to. That’s completely childish and dumb and to pretend like It’s racist for having that opinion is even more childish and dumb than that.

Game designers don’t have to make every character able to have dark skin. You don’t see people wanting dark iron dwarves to have a white human skin color, do you? No because that’s not what makes dark iron dwarves, dark iron dwarves. They weren’t created that way. It’s not real life, It’s a fantasy video game. Not every skin color has to be represented on every race, especially if it doesn’t make sense and ruins the immersion of the game.

I can agree with this to an extent because there’s nothing that says gnomes can’t be dark skin colored or any of the other races. But blood elves were designed specifically with the identifying criteria being light skinned elves who live in the north.

but they share the human skin color pallete with humans, as do gnomes and dwarves.


Fifty shades of yikes.

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There is no official explicit statement by blizzard saying that ALL blood elves cannot be dark skinned. None.

They have made belves that are dark-skinned. This is a fact not up for debate.


/writes a song, set to this music

you can go with blue
or you can go with black
you can go with green
or you can go with red


walk without rhythm and you wont attract the worm…



Worm from beyond?

y’know what’s weird? i don’t remember anyone demanding diversity among the fantasy races… seems like it’s something blizzard decided to add on their own. also, folks have given you lore-examples of dark-skinned blood-elves, heck, i can point out a few who have shades of red as their skin tone. just let it go man.


its a reference to the scifi book series, dune. theres giant sandworms.

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I missed the reference.

Likely something blizzard decided to do on their own. There was a movement in Feb 2015 to get darker Belves added to the game after some lore fascist harassed an artist who depicted one of her elves as darker. Basically there was a massive backlash by a couple thousand people.

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