Giving blood elves a black skin tone is a bit lazy

It’s dark brown skin. Like, a billion boring old humans have the same complexion. It’s not something special. I can’t stand these awkward racist nerds. You can’t apply genetics to fantasy elves.


I think they look cool, i don’t think giving lore explanation is necessary, but giving a cool one would be awesome.

Blood elvs that absorbed too much light energy from the new sunwell, or a group of researches that found another type of magic.

But “they always existed and we just never saw them” to me is fine too.

Honestly, a yellow eyes, golden hair dakr skin elf would look great as a paladin.


I think we’re just going with skin color and physiological traits are randomized at birth on Azeroth, instead of being a direct result of genetics.

Exactly. These guys gonna have to deal with it.

To the OP, Blood Elves aren’t exclusively white anymore. Sorry (not really) if that upsets you but time to get over it.


Counterpoint: Blood Elves come from High Elves, who come from the Highborne: the Highborne was the magical upper caste of Kaldorei civilization, and they settled through the whole ancient world of Kalimdor. Elves and Trolls are the two races that make more sense to have natural genetic diversity since they lived in all the expanse of the world. Highborne -specifically those that became High Elves- could have been survivors of any number of ancient Kaldorei cities.

It makes perfect sense that Blood Elves have more genetic difference than previously thought, all we require is to consider that the Highborne population that gave birth to them was genetically diverse to start with, which is completely likely given the expansive nature of the Night Elven Empire.


A lot of things should have happened years ago. Saying this offers nothing.


WoW lore isn’t etched in stone. It’s a constant work in progress. They can decide to magically retcon anything they want to. Isn’t that wild?


Not as wild as you and whats-her-name taking my flippant post seriously. I need to start using emojis I guess.


The Divas are visiting the Solar studio …

here we go again

Oh I get that it was satire. A lot of the fools on this forum wouldn’t, so my post was more geared at the “nooooo acktually” crowd.

Ion described the blood elves as fair-skinned and light-haired.

And that’s fine, but he’s clearly been contradicted.

It’s almost as if Ion’s vision of the Blood Elves is pretty flawed.


Funny hearing you say that when I tried to argue for this exact same thing with High Elves on the Alliance everyone told me lore reasons why it would and shouldn’t happen. Even laughed at me. Hell even Ion said the horde is there for you.


There’s no lore behind red furred Pandaren either. There doesn’t have to be lore for every cosmetic option.


Albinism is a thing, well so is melanism, which is the opposite of it. Dark-skinned blood elves aren’t that shocking, get over it.


“Hey knaak we have a question about something you wrote…wait lol well just rewrite it nevermind.” - blizzard.

An entirely new race ? Just because they spent too much time under the sun ? :nerd_face:


Hey, I have no problem with it.

But apparently Ion’s word is gospel, some would have you believe.


When I started 6 years ago, people were complaining that darker skin tones had just been removed from humans. They never explained why. There was never any reason to remove them. Unlike with fantasy races, people chose them because they identified with characters of their own race and skin color.

I guess they have to put them back in order to justify giving new skin tones to races that never had them.

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I like the new skin tones and would appreciate a lore background to enforce it, definitely. At the moment, it’s singled out compared to the lore reasons of how we got the other skin tones in the first place. If not, that’s cool, there doesn’t have to be an explanation, but It would be appreciated.

Humans/etc don’t need one because they’ve never been purple, elves seem to change based on their surroundings. I suppose the sunwell is a good explanation?