Give Worgen Tails

Skyrim’s werewolves have tails


Height for NPCs and player characters in the warcraft universe have always been depicted very inconsistently in terms of height. Jaina’s height varies based on what expansion and city she is in, for example. Monsters and humanoids can just be randomly like 18 feet tall because the devs want the player to easily see them for gameplay reasons, etc.

Anyway I can see why with characters we are using we’d want specific heights to be relevant. But I don’t think we have a strong indicator of actual height or length in-game. The only one would be casting ranges on spell tool tips, but they’re very vague and loose and not to be taken as precise.

Also, it does make sense that the humans are extremely tall in WoW, based on their body proportions. Men being more than 6’6” is about correct given how they’re modeled.

Personally, I think the kul’tiran men and women are 5-10% too big, based on their head/eye/hand sizes. Walking next to standard humans in Boralus, they look just mistakenly big.
But anyway, it’s warcraft. Having a spell cast on you or drinking the wrong fountain can make you gigantic, so…

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Height for the NPCs has always been based on importance and the need to be able to target them in fights. Just look at the Blood Elves and how big they are in TK.


Werewolves have tails in every Elder Scrolls game, but werewolves in TES II: Daggerfall were inconsistently portrayed when it comes to tails. In Daggerfall, the enemy werewolves have tails but the player werewolf doesn’t appear to have a tail.

Can’t let this thread go down to far!



Yes, give us tail options!


Oh, and while I’m here, I’d love it if we would support eachother!

Come give the Sethrak AR thread some love!

Tails Tails Tails!


I love the blue on this one.


That is a nice blue.

I’d use that.



C’mon Blizzard! Give Worgens something to wag about!


Aye, let Worgens have their optional tails to show their appreciation with


Give worgen tails.



Very wild. A very impactful sight and I loved that tail.

I support it!


You guys get your tails yet?

No, sorry. Give them tail options. Someone start a thread and annoy Blizzard until they get the tail option. It will not hurt anyone or the cartoon character pretend race of quasi-british werewolf people. It will make someone happy.

And while you are at it, every race should have a Tall, Grande, and Vende size.


Hope everyone is doing well!
#giveworgentailsplzblizzthnx :wolf:

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Look, Blizz…

This year has been hell. No one wants to relive 2020. I’ve asked my mother if the offer to slap me in to next year is still on the table.

But you?
You can fix this.
You can give us that small ray of sunshine through the cloudy storm.

Give Worgen tails. It is my Xmas wish. Let’s end the year off with a bang!


No thanks, I don’t want to witness long mechagnomes in reality

Tall vulpera though, makes me think of the disney robin hood fox.

We are finally getting customizations where they have been in other MMO’s for years. One customization are body types, we are not getting that. My crack was in response to Vetha’s snide remark about 5 foot Night Elf’s.

I don’t choose any character that is bigger then a Blood Elf female because of screen size presence. Now my little Vulpera Monk has that advantage of small stature that is more difficult to hit in a group of Tauren’s!


Giveth the tails.

Please. :heart:


Daily tail posting. Have a nice piece of worgen art, with a tail!
