Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

You guys get your tails yet?

No, sorry. Give them tail options. Someone start a thread and annoy Blizzard until they get the tail option. It will not hurt anyone or the cartoon character pretend race of quasi-british werewolf people. It will make someone happy.

And while you are at it, every race should have a Tall, Grande, and Vende size.


Hope everyone is doing well!
#giveworgentailsplzblizzthnx :wolf:

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Look, Blizzā€¦

This year has been hell. No one wants to relive 2020. Iā€™ve asked my mother if the offer to slap me in to next year is still on the table.

But you?
You can fix this.
You can give us that small ray of sunshine through the cloudy storm.

Give Worgen tails. It is my Xmas wish. Letā€™s end the year off with a bang!


No thanks, I donā€™t want to witness long mechagnomes in reality

Tall vulpera though, makes me think of the disney robin hood fox.

We are finally getting customizations where they have been in other MMOā€™s for years. One customization are body types, we are not getting that. My crack was in response to Vethaā€™s snide remark about 5 foot Night Elfā€™s.

I donā€™t choose any character that is bigger then a Blood Elf female because of screen size presence. Now my little Vulpera Monk has that advantage of small stature that is more difficult to hit in a group of Taurenā€™s!


Giveth the tails.

Please. :heart:


Daily tail posting. Have a nice piece of worgen art, with a tail!



Okā€¦ I never knew how much I need a sword version of Xalatath.



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pull the ripcord and give worgen tails


Big thing is Worgen getting optional tails or a lore correct 8 foot size wouldnā€™t effect anyoneā€™s game play. If done right it might even attract some players to finally play a Worgen character. Lets do the right thing here Blizzard, make Worgen feel like they are loved.


give worgen tails or riot. ill actually riot because tail no tail bad give tail now please please i beg you i will probably riot maybe not but either way give tail


Give worgen tails


Support! Iā€™ve wanted this since they were introduced.


I remember seeing that Worgen were originally gonna have tails and I felt likeā€¦ a huge wave of disappointment at that moment of knowledge. Because now I canā€™t unsee it and stop wanting it.
Now that I think about it, why DONā€™T they have tails again? I canā€™t remember, because I feel like they should have one, with how they run (Especially the male with his slouch), and it helps with balance.

Though I guess thereā€™s also armor stuff, which was designed around them not having tails. Iā€™m no 3D modeler so I canā€™t say on the ā€œdifficultyā€ of working a tail around that given all the armor in the game.

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Iā€™ve been playing Tales of Vesperia this week, which got me thinkingā€¦

Worgen tails.

Thatā€™s the post.

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There are many amateur jobs that show very good results, with almost none of the resources that a company like Blizzard has today.

Vulperas started without their fuzzy tail, and after further development, Blizzard added a tail, as they would be more like foxes, with a tail and not without.

Worgen are a creature related to Goldrinn.
And Goldrinn is called the Ghost Wolf.
And wolves have tails.

It may be that during its creation in 2010, there was no time and resources to make worgen complete.

Today there are ways, both in terms of resources and in terms of time.

Worgen can receive a tail, during Shadowlands or even being made available after the end of Shadowlands, at the beginning of 10.0.


My theory on why we donā€™t have tails now is because of the quick worgen rework just before Cataclysm released, which killed the time they could have used on making tails for worgens. As weā€™ve seen, those new ugly chihuahua worgens seriously cut off a lot of time on the fixing they could have done for worgens from 4 paw print snow when we walk around when we have 3 paw pads to the bottom tooth claws clipping through the mouth and a load of other issues.


Give worgen tails


I believe that too.
During Alpha, there were many details in the Worgen that disappeared in the beta, such as our hairstyles and lupine faces that were replaced by that nightmare that lasted for 10 years, without any explanation. Not forgetting several other things that we should have seen during the Cataclysm but that were excluded or rushed.

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