Give Worgen Tails (Part 2)

Give worgen buttholes.

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So happy you brought her up! She is still my favorite npc from WoD. My fiance always joked she looked like my character sister and might have been why my guards tended to be worgens. Also tails and up right ears please.

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Hurricane released another trailer for Cataclysm Classic and he give more respect for the worgens than anything that Blizzard did for us lately:


The difference in care between a company that gets paid to care… but seemingly doesn’t - and a fan they cooperate with, is weird XD


After the battle for gilneas, An undisturbed den of goldrinn was discovered near gilneas. Some of the feral Worgen druids dove into their curse and became avatars of goldrinn through Druidic ritual. The night elves discovered this “pack” in secret, not telling the Worgen, and cured the feral aspects of their curse. The “avatars” had grew tails to symbol their Wolf god. After the reclamation, Worgen scouts came across this den and confronted the night elves. These Worgen became part of the greyguard and SI:7 through their cunning and stealth.

I think this is good? Let me know any feedback.


See my comment above!

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Ummm.… no?


yeah see it’s super easy to give a lore reason for why worgen would get tails or could… just shows Blizzard either hates worgen or are just so biased towards elves they seem lazy when it comes to giving worgen nice things. I made a worgen for the remix as I wanted a warrior to use the gilneas themed items… still so painful seeing so very little for the worgen form yet you look at the worthless human form and there’s two pages… then for vulpera the earrings seem to always be toggled on by default unless you turn them off but worgen don’t even get earrings… why is this fair? Why are they so adamant to starve worgen for options when…as you’ve shown they could easily make a lore reason for the adding of an optional tail.


I always find it amusing how some people argue against tails… for wolf creatures… in a world with talking cows and pandas and flying rabbits and all sorts of other things. :rofl:


Some people just like to operate on “If I don’t like it, it’s a personal attack against me if someone else likes it”


Its ok we take those who come into this post and will discuss their issues. When they get to insulting Ill come by and make e’m wish they had never posted. What’s Blizzard going to do give me another 3 day… oh I’m so scared. There is 0 reason for people to come here to attack people asking for an optional change and if someone wants to then they get to answer to me. I’ve been playing a Worgen since Cata day one. Ive been playing WoW since day 2. (Day one was a laggy unplayable mess.) And as a paying customer my opinion is just as valid as theirs just ask Chespin… Oh wait no one has seen them since the start of the year. I wonder why…

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I’d love it if they gave Worgen corgi tails.

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Yeah…idk what’s wrong with these folk but they seem to have either a karen mindset or more than a few screws coming loose. All the same they try and they fail and that’s just how it’s been, more so when they get hostile and violent as…yeah no that’s not allowed here

I’ve been playing WoW since tail end of vanilla but a worgen player since day one Cata as well (how could I not as I always wanted to play a werewolf character although the early model was real rough I had to hide my character’s mouth at times) but yeah I can agree paying customers opinions do matter as unless the trolls pay for my account they got no say what I play or request for my characters. Although as far as Chespin is concerned… who honestly cares at this point? I mean I’m surprised they didn’t get sacked for that stunt of theirs when they first popped up demanding everyone with a max level worgen be banned… boy that got torn down fast but still…there is a reason I say their tauren caught mad cow disease as EVERYTIME they pop up they’re hateful and hostile and it gets old real quick…

Hmm…could be a style if anything…could be rather cute too… maybe they give that style to vulpera also as it’d look adorable on them as well. So many options they could do but our worgen need to get the option of a tail first


Blizzard can’t help themselves but to make fun of the worgens… pathetic.

Seems pretty harmless to me

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What’s worse is that there’s people telling them it’s a funny joke and just…ugh I swear their social media people posting that crud are more of those kind of elf lover that think it’s funny to make a joke about worgen but they never crack a joke about the elves at all. Worse…I have a worgen rogue so…that joke is just cruel… we want optional tails not them cracking jokes about us and ridicule… what are they children?

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Digitigrade legs look awkward without a tail, there’s a good reason animals with these types of legs have tails, its improves balance that walking on your toes needs



Give Worgen tails!


Give Worgen tails.


I don’t understand why they are so resistent on this.