Soon… one day.
Except for that funky pinky the fingers aren’t bad. The left hand thumb was badly positioned artistically so it doesn’t catch the eye properly, but it is fine otherwise. I think AI is going to replace the people most assumed were unreplaceable by machines within a dozen years, and not just artists.
Back to support optional tails for worgen.
P.s As an artist i do not like Ai art that much i prefer to draw my own art.
Really hoping that when they finally mention Gilneas they don’t bait us with our tails but give us nothing like they were advertised… like the Original Cata trailer they showed at Blizzcon 2009 as idk if I’d ever trust Blizz again if they did that. I mean come on Blizz we’re asking for optional tails, we’ve done nothing to earn being kicked around and practically forgotten. Show us you care about our part of the playerbase and give us optional tails at the very least, you already bait and switched us once before please don’t do it again
AI will not replace artists like Bo Chen, but average folk will struggle for sure.
Human artists require motivation, sleep, the right mood, money etc etc, I can channel my ideas into AI and let the algorithms do the work.
It’s great for drafting ideas, I don’t care what I’m taking inspiration from tbh, images in my own head or from AI, all the same to me.
Best to embrace it as it’s not going anywhere my friend.
I never said Ai art was going to replace artists. I was just letting you guys know my option on Ai art and why i don’t like it very much because drawing stuff on your own is better in my option it takes more skill. I don’t know if this is true or not but i have seen other artist on deviant art who think Ai art steals peoples art work Idk if it does but i seen some artist mention it and for some reason my owl drawing i posted on deviant art was saying it was in the Ai database or was it dataset i can’t remember but it took me a long time to figure out how to change it. Idk why it was listed in the database or dataset in the first place because i did not mark it for that.
But I did.
I also have an opinion believe it or not.
Fact is, it’s all about Worgen getting tails and nothing to do with me or you or your art, or disdain of A.I.
I agree give worgen optional tails i wish i could post some of my drawings on this forum even though i can’t draw things very realistic yet and i only draw animals because I’m not confident enough to try drawing humans i still love drawing.
It absolutely does. The only way to train AI is to feed it tonnes and tonnes of art which they just pull off google without permission or the legal right to do so. The head of one of the AI companies (I wanna say openai?) just recently tried to argue that since it wouldn’t be profitable to make AI if they actually had to follow copyright law they should just get to steal people’s work.
Ironically this is killing AI since there’s so much AI slop out there and since AI just steals everything it can get its hand on AI is now learning from AI and it’s like putting metal in a microwave. It’s referred to as inbred AI.
I guess that makes sense. I don’t now how technology works i just use it.
How about also update on the worgen racial too.
Was talking about this the other day. I think 2 little racial buffs would be quite nice.
- Darkflight: Allow it to stack with other movement speed buffs. And give it a passive speed increase thats always on.
- Viciousness: Increases critical strike chance by 2%
1% critical strike is already an equal amount of stat gain when compared to 1% haste, 1% mastery, or 1% versatility racials. It doesn’t need to be buffed unless you’re suggesting to put those at 2% as well.
Other races have 2% at this point so why not Worgen. I dont know if you were around at the start Battle but Worgen originally were going to have 1% dmg flat. Not crit but 1% extra dmg. The change was kind of done without much said about it and I guess most people never cared. But ya all 1% racials at this point could be brought up to 2% to put them all on par with each other.
Name 1
Dwarf, Human, Tauren, along with many races in general that have extra bonuses in comparison.
Dwarf Might of the Mountain. Critical strike bonus damage and healing increased by 2%.
None of these are 2% to a secondary stat, which for the lowest stat would amount to 1,320 rating. Human even at 634 ilvl in pvp combat only gets about 700, which is just the exact amount of rating 1% crit is.
Human is ALL secondary stats (1% to all, 4% total), Might of the Mountain is 2% bonus to crit dmg and healing, Tauren is the same, on top of having other combat stats like Endurance, and an active like Warstomp. Worgen in general are quite behind with bonuses in general.
Which again, amounts to roughly 700 rating at 634 ilvl, the same amount of rating required to achieve 1% critical strike.