Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

That or they honestly thought worgen would find the joke funny…when it’s really not. It was just in bad taste and for all we know they’ll make the earthen make a similar joke just to jab at us further. Bare minimum we ask is optional tails for our worgen not ridicule


I swear if Earthen come out with optional tails imma bite someone!

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They’ve already got the odd ability to have bearded women so who knows what crazy ideas they’ll throw into them, I just don’t want them to crack any more cruel jokes at worgen or god forbid start making vulpera jokes when they’re supposed to be neutral and on both sides. I’ll turn them to a pile of pebbles if they start cracking cruel jokes


If they ever add tails I hope you have to do a short quest line to unlock them. Find Genn in a shop somewhere experimenting with adding tails and make a pop culture reference

  • “Welcome to Tail Time with Genn “the Tail Man” Greymane!”
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Well it could be like Tess wants to invite Goldrinn to make a den in Gilneas and in doing so we maybe earn his blessing and get optional tails. Why she’d want him to live in Gilneas though is the question although it could also be like the druids of Gilneas find out that Goldrinn desires to find a suitable den and he’s already shown he can use the dream gates to move around so getting him to Gilneas isn’t an issue. Maybe we kill off the ettin that lives in the hills of Gilneas and Goldrinn takes that creature’s cave as his new den and rewards worgen with his blessing. There is ways to make it make sense in the lore they just have to well… make it so rather than sit on their hands and ignore us like they have been


All they need to do is hire a handful of forum goers as writers XD

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or even just realize we do got some good ideas at times and they’d make money listening to us now and again. Especially when the thing we’re asking for is something as simple as giving worgen optional tails lol


I volunteer as tribute.


So is it perhaps a good sign that worgen tails may be coming in a later patch since they thankfully didn’t use our request for them as a joke back on April Fools day? I mean they must see in some degree that they’d make money giving us what we’re asking for at some point right?


I was honestly super surprised they didn’t mention tails in the April fools post this year. I’d like to think that’s a good sign

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I reckon they will give you guys tails, i think i remember someone saying they have the bones to animate it? curled tails for example would be super cute now that i think about it

It’s not like they (Blizzard) make constant or yearly jokes about this subject, so I wouldn’t be optimistic that we’re getting anything just because they haven’t recently ‘salted the wound’. It’s been many years…and that bears repeating, many years…since we’ve been asking for the tail option, and in all that time they’ve only vaguely addressed our requests on, what…three occasions? I’m not at all surprised that they yet again said nothing.

sethrak uses the same skeleton, they have tails, they would need to edit it for sure to not be super stiff and likely make a new one for the female skeleton since i dont think they have the bones for it yet. im hoping they will, worgen have a running animation that would make more sense with a tail to balance it out

Yeah the frame has the bones for a tail they’ve just put off adding one the model for whatever reason. This is made quite clear given races like Saberon, Dracthyr, and I think the sethrakk (but I don’t know for sure on that one) use the frame and all got tails. Saberon using the male worgen frame and dracthyr seemingly using the female worgen frame showing both frames got those bones we just need them to add in an option for tail or no tail and to apply a customizable model for the tail when the player chooses to have a tail on their worgen. Most the work is already done and one would imagine or hope adding a tail model to the bones and a toggle for if the tail’s there or not would be easy for them to do. If adding a tail is simple and easy and doesn’t cost them too much they only stand to make a net gain by granting the option but if that’s the case let alone if they see that or not is anyone’s guess atm. Lot of races need more options but worgen for sure should get more options like the choice of a tail before the rest as they’ve been around since Cata where as the allied races have been around a lot shorter window a time.


Wild- so there’s all those models that use male and female Worgen frames??
That’s really unfair to you guys, they can most certainly do it i just wish they explained or at least clear things up as to why it hasnt been done yet after all these years instead of putting off / ignoring when they have acknowledged this thread ;/ its pretty gross of them

Saberon, Saurok, Sethrak all use the Worgen frame.

The dracthyr are actually using their own frame.


True, still Blizz could add a tail to the model even if they had not used the rig for other tailed races.
See the vulpera using the goblin rig but they still got a tail for example.



And like… the tail rig is there. Its even partially animated. It wouldn’t be a hard thing for them to add one and get further animations setup.


I think it started as a Worgen Female rig in early development as a lot of the first few poses look very Worgen-ish.

Kinda like how Zandalari Males started out as a Night Elf rig from MoP.