Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

Original werewolves had tails in ancient depictions. Like, always.
The no-tail thing is because of special effect and prosthetic budget issues in the old Universal Wolfman movies. The only reason Worgen (who had tails in the concept art) didn’t end up with them is because they ran out of time and didn’t want to animate the tails. See Cata-release female worgen for an example of the rushed assets.

It makes no sense for a bipedal wolf person to not have a tail, or at least an option for one. Give worgen tail options. It’s a very, very normal thing to expect from a beast race, and frankly weird that they don’t have the option.


They gave us Slumberstorm but not tails for Worgen.

Just to expand on this a bit, there are some depictions where since it’s a curse that the no tail usually meant witchcraft / curse in some capacity. But you are right though about the tail bit with the budget stuff.

There’s a scale so to speak of wolf vs wolfman vs lycanthrope etc.

Expanding even further on your post, those old illustrations were usually in the form of woodcut art, and the ratio between those that depicted werewolves with and without tails was fairly even. So basically, whichever the individual artists believed or preferred.

As for Hollywood’s older renditions of werewolves, such as in the 1941 film The Wolf Man, the primary reason they didn’t give Lon Chaney Jr a tail is because it was impossible to give him one that didn’t look ridiculous. Only in modern CGI is a werewolf tail practical…but that doesn’t stop our fellow ‘anti-tail’ posters from using movies as some sort of supposed ‘historical proof’ of their claims.


Any word on tails yet? Still nothing… I mean it’s not like Blizzard is working on new content can’t wait to reraid all the raids I have AoTC on… back to other fun games I guess. Been playing since 04 so I’ll not let my sub lapse but rehashing raids at the end of expansions screams Blizzard is losing its drive for WoW.

Better idea: we give Gilneas the Korhal treatment.

Give Worgen tails.


Give Worgen tails!!


When will we finaly granted our request?
Give us an optional tail (and not a ridicule one, we know you).

And a pure black fur while you are at it.


Over 1,000 likes and on its way to 2,000 likes please give worgen tails.

:wolf: :blue_heart:


Just curious… why do some people think Worgen having a tail like the talking cows and foxes in game already have, makes them somehow a sexual object?


Usually from my own observation, its really just an excuse for there own selfishness, prejudice and/or ignorance.

Adding tail’s to Worgen as a option just makes sense as a race of bipedal wolf-like humanoids. It can be that simple.


Optional Tails for Worgen please!

One day Blizzard will listen to players…


Because they think it’s a good excuse when it’s honestly beyond stupid of an excuse for their selfish desires to see our requests fail. I mean it’s no better than those folk who come in here saying Worgen are humans and humans don’t got tails when… well we’ve got worgen DKs… if they were still human they’d of reverted to human upon death but no worgen aren’t humans any longer as even in the Shadowlands they’re still worgen. The night elves may of locked it in with their aid but yeah no worgen are not humans so the argument that humans don’t got tails is invalid as well. Worgen are wolf people who can disguise as human if they want but it’s just that…a disguise as worgen return to their true self in combat. Then we also got those people who keep asking Blizz to let them fight as human as a worgen but… I mean come on now we can all see how that sounds, if they want to play as human they should roll a human not force worgen to be human even in combat. Worgen are bipedal wolf people, they deserve optional tails, and there is zero logical reason why they shouldn’t.


Part of me thinks they have something they are afraid to admit about themselves lol

But it’s probably just a strawman rather than argue rather or not it makes sense design wise and customization wise.

Correction we have talking pandas, dragons, foxes, goats, cows and wolves. All have tails except the talking wolves (worgens).

Pandas have 2 tail options to be correct.

Optional is always good.


…can we please just have optional tails already?


Tails for worgen please.


THIS. All of this!! Gilneas is one of my favorite zones and I’ve made loads of worgens just to revisit it. Like PLEASE, blizz, give us Gilneas to quest through. Like, rebuilding it or something.


Here’s hoping the developers aren’t going to be cruel and use the idea of giving worgen tails for a april fool’s day joke, as if they do I’m quitting as that’d cross the line at this point. Give worgen optional tails Blizz, it’s the least you could give us to make us happy and it’s easier to implement than many of the other options might be