Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

why do they want tails so bad

Why do people want mustard on their hotdog? Beer with their pizza? Wine with their cheese?

Because some things belong together.


reclaim the tails!

“The appearance of a werewolf in its animal form varies from culture to culture, though it is most commonly portrayed as being indistinguishable from ordinary wolves save for the fact that it has no tail.”

Why are you asking for tails when they never had them to begin with? It’s like asking for Dwarves to have horns…

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And why don’t we have the right to depict someone we like? We don’t have to adhere strictly to folklore. If we followed folklore, elves wouldn’t be mystical beings with pointy ears, but rather vicious little creatures. Each fictional universe has the liberty to present its own interpretation of creatures from folklore. Tolkien envisioned dwarves, elves, and other beings differently. D&D, Pathfinder, and Warhammer also offer unique interpretations. So why can’t Warcraft have its own rendition?

People often make absurd requests, yet in a fantasy world like Warcraft, we’re not allowed to because it supposedly contradicts folklore. It’s absurd… If your race isn’t in the spotlight, something must be wrong. So we don’t have the right to play as a character we favor, have the options we desire, and so on, simply because a few individuals resist changes for races they don’t even play.

We’re subjected to witnessing our lore distorted, our race misrepresented in unsightly armor, and our city constantly changing hands as if it were an old, forgotten tome.

No, I’m fed up with this justification while Blizzard arbitrarily alters the lore because they find it “cool”. In Warcraft, some worgens can have tails while others can’t. There’s artwork dating back to Warcraft JDR, official illustrations during Cataclysm, and artwork for Hearthstone. So why aren’t we finally allowed to have our one and only request, which we’ve been voicing for 14 years, fulfilled? Why don’t we have the same rights as others? Don’t we pay subscription fees too? Don’t we deserve to be heard at last?

So, no, we’re going to keep asking again and again.

Blizzard, give worgen tails!


That point has been addressed many times before, particularly in this thread. There is no ‘official’ definition of a werewolf. You just so happened to have chosen to quote one description that better fits an ‘anti-tail’ agenda, even though there are just as many antiquated depictions of them sporting a tail.


That alone says enough already. Even now we see that with some worgens having tails in places like hearthstone.

Also gotta remember, worgens originated from the druid pact form, which did indeed have a tail.

We’re not saying EVERY worgen should have a tail, just some. Ofcourse there’s gonna be some worgen out there that didn’t lose their tail. I have a feeling those worgens are either A: In the Emerald Dream, or B: carried by the chosen few who actually got a blessing from Goldrinn just like we see how highmountain taurens have antlers from Cenarius.


Tails and upright posture options for Worgen please!!!

( And take Sylvanus’s banner off that portal- what a stick in the eye move that is!)


We know at least one of those Worgen has wandered over to the cover art for Small World of Warcraft! You can see clear as day that it has a tail… (though they edited it out in later promotional materials, cowards)


The worgen casting animation is pretty weird fix that and give worgen tails.

It could be just one type of tail as long as it’s decent looking and people can toggle it if they want it or not.


You want weird, look at the female Worgen 1h animations.

You mean how they swing almost under hand? Yeah i never understood that, they’re not throwing a softball or scraping the ground with their weapon they’re hitting someone with a weapon. I’m a bit bugged that when they gave worgen updated models at long last the female worgen now run weird. Still hoping they can get optional tails all the same but yeah worgen got the rough end of the stick for sure

More like how their elbow joint is closer to a suggestion than a rule.

Ah…yeah that too… been a while since I’ve seen the animation but then again been a while since I played my worgen rogue as well. Just…looks awkward at times with an optional tail… lots to clean up with them sad to say. Blizz truly only seeming to throw worgen scraps and that’s just so wrong to see

Worgen can have tails when they let undead have their toes back :stuck_out_tongue:

Because we want it to be optional so people can be happy with the character they play. The concept art for the race shows us Worgen with tails. The model has the bones in place so they could be added without much alteration. Worgen have been the one race in the game that Blizzard shot themselves in the foot with and those of us who play the race would clearly like to see it. So why not give it to the players and let them choose for themselves if they want the current look or a tailed look.


I could be wrong but worgen in WoW don’t have tails. Humans don’t have tails so why would the gain them when transformed? If WoW ever allows a race that has a tail like Vulpera to be a worgen then I guess it would make sense but until that happens, worgen with tails is just silly.

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Do werewolves in stories that have tails not turn into / from a human??


Yes, it varies from culture to culture. Blizzard and WoW have decided their version of a werewolf does not have a tail. Just like their elves have long ears.

Anatomically it also does not make sense for a tail. Humans dont have tails so why would they grow them when transformed? If anything, a small nub (since we still have a vestigial tail bone) could be argued for, as all the other human features are exaggerated into wolf like features but not a complete transformation like a shaman’s ghostwolf.

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They could always change their mind.