Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

It’s kinda crazy to me to think anyone would play a worgen to be a human, when human is already in the game. I know when we come up with random percentages, it sounds biased, but I wouldn’t be surprised if nearly 100% of worgen players deciding on this race has nothing to do with being able to also be a human. We make worgen to be werewolves. I know I’m saying this with a tauren face, but out of all characters I made, worgen are the most numerous. Also, I have roleplayed more on worgen than on every other races combined, but that has nothing to do with the tails LOL

And sure, options are certainly needed as well, I just meant if they don’t want to commit a big effort, just make something basic and slowly expand it later. Orcs and Trolls had the same issue of male worgen (posture) when compared to their female counterparts, and they saw a “fix”, so I guess it shouldn’t be a huge deal to have worgen have the same treatment, EXCEPT if the model was made in a way that doesn’t work for that… and they’d need to redo from scractch. But there’s probably something in the game they can use to start building from, just like they used older model bases to make Dracthyr.

Also, I wanted to quote Cow because I love her name, but I don’t have anything at the moment to expand on those ideas, except maybe that she’s completely right xD


No offense, but Worgen need an overhaul, not just additional tails (though I support optional tails).
The race is incredibly ugly, the bodies are disproportionate, absolutely nothing fits there.


I saw that. Bravo.


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I would still want to see a cinematic with Greymane having a tail though… But that’s just me LOL

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For some of us, the fantasy of Worgen/werewolves is not just to be a big ferocious animal, but to integrate the animal instincts and behavior- good and bad, with the human one.
In most lore, they Are human. From Britannica:

Werewolf , in European folklore, a man who turns into a wolf at night and devours animals, people, or corpses but returns to human form by day. Some werewolves change shape at will; others, in whom the condition is hereditary or acquired by having been bitten by a werewolf, change shape involuntarily, under the influence of a full moon.


It makes sense, you’re right. I guess in roleplay, it’s fair to save the worgen form for specific moments. We’re not able to fight outside of worgen form anyway… so it must always be a lore/rp thing. Which I totally understand!!


It’s not necessarily bad to emphasize the human side of worgen, the problem is that Blizzard only wants to emphasize the human to the detriment of the other form. Some worgen have accepted their cursed form by transforming it into a blessing, seeking to put aside their former form, while others wish to forget that they were cursed. Always wanting to emphasize the human form to the detriment of the worgen form is not something beneficial when you have a race with this particularity. Blizzard needs to find the right balance in their approach.


Quick question to my beloved Worgen fans!

How would you feel about separating the male/female Worgen forms from their respective male/female human forms?

I ask because, lately, I’ve been thinking I would invest more time in my female Worgen if it weren’t for the fact that I hate the female Worgen form. I would like the possibility of playing a female human with a “male” Worgen form, if that makes any sense.

Also, give us Worgen tails, please.


I do not hate the male Worgen form, it’s that hunch ( and the way most mogs look with it) that I hate. That giant, lumpy back looks so uncomfortable and silly to me.

I’d love to have the male head on top of the female body, and shrink the breasts ( if they won’t bother to let the males stand up straight)


OMG yes!!! Exactly this!!

The male head and shrink the breasts. That would make the female (or male) Worgen model just PERFECT

I wouldn’t mind this.

Optional tails for Worgen!

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would you prefer 1 or 2 tails

Agreed but we still get people coming in here or god forbid starting threads demanding to be able to fight as human as worgen and that…defeats the purpose of rolling a worgen at all if human is what they want to play as. My worgen have already come to terms with their new form and renounced their human forms as being weak as I never use the human form. Sadly people demanded blizz put in that soothe the beast ability to shift them human outside of combat but I never use that either

So like a girl who’s worgen form changes her into a man as it were? That or a masculine build at least? I mean that…might line up with fair gender identity but who’s to say. I kinda wish the male worgen model looked nicer personally

I’d have to ask for an option to grow them in exchange as I don’t want my worgen girls flat chested, then again idk if they’ll touch that area as idk how it’d effect their rating to do such. I mean hey if we’re able to bump up the breast size of female characters the tauren gals need that too… maybe vulpera as well but anyways ^^; Hoping worgen get optional tails all the same

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I just want to be able to select Night Elf - Worgen instead of Human - Worgen


Yeah, this is a big one, I find it weird that Worgen isn’t a skin for both Human and Night Elf instead of its own thing. It’s the same way I feel about undead only having their old humanoid models but not the elf models or god forbid any other race models if they just find a graveyard… And don’t get me started on Dracthyr visage forms…

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Cause Blizzard is lazy. Simple facts.

Believe it or not they already did that. The old female Worgen had bigger breasts. I like the new look personally cause it makes them look less like they are going to knock themselves out when running wild.


I think that’d be dumb.
If you want to play a male Worgen hit up the barber and make yourself a male Worgen.

Tragedy of tragedies…

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Don’t forget, they nerfed a bunch of leggings too.

More customizations isn’t a bad thing. :dracthyr_yay_animated: