Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

how many tails and what style

In other news, the new masquerade mask looks great on Worgen ( have not tried it on the guys yet)

Need tails and new tales too!

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how may tails 1, 2, 3, etc

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, ALL OF THE TAILS. Every single one, no exceptions

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what if they have 50 tails

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As a number greater than 0 this is an acceptable answer


why do you keep asking this


He’s trolling.

Doesn’t seem to be in a mean way but definitely trolling.


Ever read about Gertrude McFuzz ? ( Dr. Seuss ) A terrific and tantalizing tale of the terrible trauma of too many tails.

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Really would like to see the Worgen get their optional tail options.


Knowing blizz we’ll probably just get a toy called “Pin the tail on the worgen” that lets players put tails on other players wherever on the body, they persist for 5 minutes, and the toy has a 24 hour cooldown…

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I really want to see the option for optional tails and jewelry soon, we’ve waited so long, can’t we finally have what we want? It’s not like our requests are going to destroy WoW.


More options in general for worgen would be nice. At least they’d last longer then the reclaiming of Gilnaes did,


True and it’s not like we’re asking for anything that’d violate the rating, just optional tails for our worgen and ways to style said tails. Some more options and attention shown to worgen now that they’ve got their city back

Don’t give them any ideas as that kinda thing would be rather insulting to see done like how female Dracthyr crack a joke about worgen asking for tails or god forbid that infamous post by that one guy who joked about worgen being able to get tails from wildlife


The funny thing is that having worgens with or without tails won’t change the story at all in the end, nobody will talk about it and it will just be a description in books or quests.


To the person asking every day for number of tails… there’s a fox creature in Magic: the Gathering called Eight-and-a-Half-Tails. Is that a good enough number for you?? xD

Anyway… reading quickly through the last month or so, I’ve seen some people saying Blizzard acknowledged the existence of this topic… do we have a link where they mention it? I’m curious to know what was said.

Speaking of tail styles, shapes and sizes, I agree with Drede. They probably won’t do anything majorly customized… and I mean EVER. You see what they did when people complained about Drac’thyr body shape; they just moved the shoulders a few pixels outwards and that’s it. Pandaren have two tail styles, so I guess if worgen get two, that’s AMAZING already…

Of course, we can imagine a bunch of shapes, decorations, some more curved, some less curved, with the tip of a different color, with flowers, chains, jewels, roses, entwined cloth, braids, ribbons… but I think what would be universally accepted is just an old simple wolf tail.

Not too small so it doesn’t look like a turd hanging from worgen butts, not too big so it doesn’t compare in body proportion to that of Vulpera.

Not too thin so it doesn’t once more look like a turd, and not too bushy.

One color fitting the main fur color of the body, MAYBE with the tip using the secondary color of the body, and that would be amazing.

It doesn’t need to be insanely animated… just some slight side to side movement and bending, so it doesn’t look like a tauren’s tail swishing, or a dog’s tail wagging, but not too stiff so it doesn’t look like it’s made of stone.

Just a fair sized, simple colored, minimally animated tail. That would be enough for most people here, I’m sure.

And OF COURSE, an option to not have it, because it’s perfectly fine that some people will not want a tail (no idea why they want to be a worgen though).


So, there’s already been a message from someone at Blizzard, the only thing he does is make fun of us instead of responding in a serious way.

h ttps:// (Image of Blizzard’s answer)

I agree that the message is a little dated and that the mentality has probably changed, but not at all!
Recently with the release of dracthyr, we were pleased to discover that women had this joke: “I showed my tail to one of those wolf people… but they just looked sad and walked away. I wonder why!”
So in the end, this subject is just a joke for the in-house teams. An exhausting joke that’s been going on for too long…

You know, we can dream of having lots of options for our worgen as well as having an optional tail, but the reality is that we’re the only race without “allied race” status that can’t wear jewelry on our worgen form. Blizzard is selling us a werewolf race, but not too much, because they’re human first and foremost.

We’d just like to be able to play the race we like, with options adapted to it, and for them to stop taking the piss out of us and ignoring our requests.

We’re in 2024, is it too much to ask to be able to play the character we want after 14 years and the future arrival of Cataclysm classic?


The first one was a written article with wowhead where Steve Denuser (who’s left blizzard now) said “Tails on worgens? I don’t know what you’re talking about” when asked about if worgens can have tails, and the most recent one was this one with Morgan Day being asked about worgen tails in 10.1.5 and instead of saying yes or no said “We’ve definitely heard that feedback”

Ofcourse we also have the entirety of hearthstone where they give worgens tails here and there, and instead of “hot fixing” the art to remove them, even after being mentioned of it, they still have the tail on them to this day.



Really hope they just let folk have their tails soon. Seems really ridiculous they’re so against it.


We’re still waiting for our optional worgen tails over here and also some jewelry for a bit of fun. :dracthyr_love_animated: