Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

After fifteen thousand four hundred and twelve comments, Blizzard will surely give Worgen tails


Tails please! More customizations always appreciated but tails are easily the biggest and most important for our worgen friends <3


Or give us playable Gnolls. Gnolls have tails.


Gnolls would be something but I’d like it if worgen got optional tails at least before gnolls get recruited. Still baffled at the fact they’ve shown us Sethrakk seemingly coming from the same origins as Earthen dwarves yet they’re giving us earthen dwarves instead of Sethrakk.


Give worgen tails

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Give Worgen more Worgen Form options, including tails!


Please just give us the option to fix our hunchbacks like the orcs have.


Sethrak seem like they’d be problematic with their heads. Nothing is going to fit right on that head. Though they could just do like what they did for dracthyr and no mogs show on their heads? I mean that’s what I’d do. No mogs show on their heads but they have options like dracthyr have that could be selected in the creation/barber shop.


Just here for the reminder that Worgen need Optional tails. Please and or thank you.


People keep saying werewolves don’t have tails, BUT D&D and Werewolf the Apocalypse both give them tails, and both of those are pretty much THE Fantasy RPG and THE RPG to play Werewolves


Yeah they don’t actually have a actual argument so they keep recycling the good ol “werewolves dont have tails” and “theres no lore to it” lmao :yawning_face:


Listen when even EVERQUEST werewolves have tails and Worgen don’t, there’s a serious problem here. Again I say Blizzard is a bunch of lazy cowards.



WoWhead proved this wasn’t an issue back in BfA.

Just like worgen and Tauren they are not a problem in this regard.

Also Give Worgen Optional Tails


If I’m derailing too much, I’ll delete this. But I’d like to understand the Worgen story better.

So, where is the Queen of Gilneas in the new questline? Mia Greymane? When I read her Wiki, she came across as a really heroic leader that would make a much more interesting leader than Tess.

Why didn’t the writers at least have her standing beside Genn when he hands off their crowns??

Wouldn’t it make more sense for Genn to let Mia, a seasoned ruler, take the reins a bit while he goes off to do whatever- find Anduin?

Background of recent events, in case you don’t want to look it up from wowwiki:

Mia asked , Meir, one of the Highborne, to help evacuate her people from Darnassus, to which he agreed, replying that it was his honor to assist the Gilneans. After most of her people were successfully evacuated from the city, Mia, having developed a deep love for the people of Darnassus, was determined to aid in the night elven evacuation as well, acting as the ambassador of Stormwind, and she remained until the Burning of Teldrassiland still attempting to aid the priestesses at the Temple of the Moon - despite Genn’s urging her repeatedly to leave Teldrassil before it was too late. Although she realized that it was impossible to evacuate their entire population, Mia vowed to Astarii that Genn would lead those who came to reclaim the World Tree from the Horde afterwards. After Tyrande Whisperwind returned to help Malfurion Stormrage, believing that defeating Sylvanas would disorganize the Horde and perhaps give her people more time to evacuate, Mia told the night elves to honor their high priestess as she joined her husband in battle against the Horde.

When Sylvanas and the Horde launched their final assault on Teldrassil, Mia still refused to leave and attempted to help organize the remaining night elves scrambling to enter a portal, despite Astarii’s insistence that she return to her husband. Mia was seriously wounded trying to protect Finel a night elven infant, from collapsing rubble within the Temple, which trapped her beneath their debris and broke her legs. After Genn arrived to rescue her, Astarii managed to heal her wounds. Although Mia told Genn to take Finel and leave her, Genn stubbornly refused, and managed to rescue both of them, bringing them to Stormwind.With the World Tree and their second home destroyed, the surviving Gilneans moved to Stormwind, where Mia helped priests tend to the injured Gilnean and night elven refugees in the Cathedral of Light].

After Anduin was unable to directly provide assistance for Tyrande Whisperwind and at her people, Genn mentioned that Mia would likely charge off to battle without him if he did not assist the night elves. Although the Queen of Gilneas did not join the Battle for Darkshore herself, her daughter Tess and many of her people subsequently traveled to Darkshore, openly aiding the kaldorei forces fighting against the Horde.


I sometimes wonder what type of petty one has to be/possess to give pandaren, vulpera and dracthyr tails but still ‘lulz nope’ at the request for worgen tails.

Does the person overseeing this particular decision sit there in their cubilcle playing Tom Petty’s “Won’t Back Down” on a daily basis to affirm to themselves their choice is righteous & cool or something?

At this point I’d be real intrigued at how the story/discussion about races with tails being introduced in game also impacts how the work environment is unfolding. Are there factions of pro tail peeps and anti tail peeps in the office space? Or is there just one or two hold outs cornered in their flourescent lighted cave, like Gollum muttering about their precious?


Apart from Genn, who we’ve been following for a while, and Tess, who was given a bit of importance during Legion, most of the other worgen or gilneen have no importance at all and a lore barely more important than a footnote

For example, there’s Celestine of the Harvest, a worgen druidess whose only background is as a druidess and worgen. She throws quests at us when we have no idea of her background, personality or goals, and in the end, she’s just there to fill the worgen druid quota.

There are plenty of other examples of personalities that could be interesting, like Yvar Bloodfang, Darius Crowley, Tobias Mistmantle or
 how can I put this
 there are only four notable worgen in the lore
 and even then, some of them aren’t really useful
 All in all, in terms of cursed pnjs with a story other than “Go insert random objective to save the world”, there aren’t any notable worgen characters to be found ingame

At present, the worgen lore is as developed as the lore for the Gilneas revival. The only lore we have is the story of Genn Greymane, nothing more, nothing less.

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Because they’re bad writers.

It would. It would also have made sense for him to do it himself, considering it was his life’s mission for the longest time to retake his homeland.
But they’re bad writers.

And this right here is why it’s absurd to have the Forsaken, or even the Horde in general, be present in a positive light alongside them. The racial animus would just be far too strong, and killing a couple crusaders would do absolutely nothing to quell it.
There’s no chance any Gilnean that suffered through that would break bread with any Forsaken, any Horde, or brook their presence under their roof or city. It’s just plain terrible writing.
But like I said, they’re bad writers.

Tails at this point would basically be an apology letter.


I don’t think that is the reason but something worse: A complete lack of interest if not outright hostility towards the worgens.
I am tired to pill up again all the evidences we have but it’s clear that they hate our favorite race for whatever reason.

With Danuser gone, i wonder if he was the one having such behavior or someone else (i bet on the latter) but now that Gilneas is reclaimed, our story arc is finished with a last middle finger.
We will not have any story involving the worgen anymore considering how “well” Blizzard is treating us so far.

Sorry, but i’m still mad about this pathethic story.


I’m just gonna remind you all of something that many keep pointing out, and it’s that worgens originated from the WOLF form druids had.
They kept literally everything from that wolf form but the tail. It wouldn’t be far fetch to think that maybe
 just maybe
 some worgens actually kept those tails?
Bam, there’s your lore explanation. Now give us the tails Blizzard!


Many posts say that the ‘bones’ in the Worgen model for tails are already there.

Blizzard has many races with tails, Drenaei have 2 ( ! ) tail lengths to choose from plus jewels!

So, what do you think the actual reason is that Blizzard does not give Worgen this option after all this time?

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