Hey! It’s been a few months since I looked at this. Did we get any good news so far?? I’ve seen a private wow roleplay server where worgen have tails, and they’re amazing!!! When are we winning this fight here? i-i
Not yet. Really missed the mark with this patch and not giving us tails. Someday though.
It seems like dungeon bots are better than worgen tails in their eyes. They need eye surgery.
To be fair, The Follower dungeons were something that the game kinda needed. That and a few other systems it could honestly use.
Yes I agree. Hopefully soon Worgen will get tails. The squeaky wheel gets the grease. Make enough noise for long enough they will have to oil.
Really should have tails already.
So was playing city of heroes and even they have a cute fluffy tail that wags can wow please get one now.
The only really good part of that questline was that when I managed to fish up Lord Godfrey’s glasses afterward…aside from getting to slaughter Scarlets again:
Oh, and give us tail options, and just more Worgen form options, period.
Bow-wow-wow I need the tail now
Not sure why they’ve put it off for so long, so odd
I really hope that one day we’ll see tails on our worgen and that Blizzard will finally listen to their community. It’s such a shame that so many of them have been asking for the same thing for so many years and have been ignored, it’s so frustrating…
Give Worgens tails & options PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESE!!!
This should have been a thing. Though now that I’ve done it on an alt (i caved and leveling Albien the last few levels has been a pain this week. I should have pushed him the last timewalking more.) I am more in the camp of believing that they’re intending to have follow up quests for Gilneas to expand and grow, much like they seem to be doing for both the Forsaken and the Night Elves.
This feels like its not the end of the Gilneas area. Also it feels and looks so rough overall.
This. Whether its here or twitter or reddit or wherever, tails for worgen is a common and long requested thing. Hell Blizzard often includes tails on their worgen in other mediums. Hearthstone for one which is quasi-lore relevant as its a thing in WoW too with multiple characters being put into the game.
Worgen deserve a lot, but optional tails is one that we long ago should have had.
Having done the quest now, I’m still disappointed but I’m not as disappointed as I thought I’d be.
The questline was too short and required too little to really feel like it was a proper retaking of Gilneas, though it did hit enough of the points to work… ish.
I’d have rather seen us start out similarly with us going through the tunnel we escaped from originally, sneaking through to open the back gates and then actually participate with the army and its forces throughout the city more akin to how we moved through the city back in the starting zone. Further tidbits showing us gathering outside the city prior to the attack and prepping forces could have also greatly assisted with making it seem more like a retaking rather than a small collection of quests.
During this I would have utilized a lot more worgen characters… like we see Genn and Celestine several times but they don’t do much. The Crowley’s should have played a much bigger part, especially with Lorna and Tess being good friends, we should have seen Bloodfang as an entire force unto itself moving to gather at one of the cities many gates. Ultimately letting other worgen characters shine a bit would have been amazing.
I also would have relied less on the 7th Legion, though I’d have had some there, as a foil to show Alliance support. Instead lets have Sentinels of the New Moon be there with some vindicators AND the 7th Legion making up a force that goes through one of the other other gates. Or perhaps supporting the Forsaken’s distraction.
Kinda back at the outside town stuff I might add. I’d have Celestine work with us to gather her coven of druids up at Tal’doren where I would want to see them invoke and summon Goldrin, who answers his peoples call and joins in the fight… surprising everyone and empowering those with the “curse”. (Might as well give us some customizations unlocks here too including tails.) This whole section would also very clearly invoke that the curse is also a strength of Gilneas now, and even introduce the idea that some Gilneans do actually willingly take it on. Making it very clear that worgen aren’t going anywhere and giving the player fantasy for Worgen worgens some love.
As for the Forsaken, I get that adding in Voss and Calia was meant to give the Horde the opportunity to participate, and I’m good with that, but I don’t think Voss needed to go with us through the city. I’d have rather the forsaken were mostly the distraction with the General Alliance forces outside the Church quarters gate keeping the Scarlets focused while Gilnean forces martial at the other gates. Horde players in this setup would just go in at the behest of Voss to show the Horde’s support. I think that would have gone over better…
And of course, while I think Blizzard intends to work on the city going forward and add more, I’d have rather they’d setup the city along Bel’ameth’s path. Where we start with portals and flight masters and some profession trainers and vendors and such. Like portals to Stormwind, Surwich, Talonbranch Glade, Bradenbrook, Raven Hill and any other little gilnean/worgen settlements would be amazing.
Like the city is just unfinished.
For the rewards? I’m not really upset about the gilnean suit. It matches relatively well with our heritage and while I’d have preferred they finally gave us the longcoat we see on Genn, I can live with the transmog. (trying it at the time of writing mixed with some of the heritage and I actually kinda think it looks pretty ok.) I love the belt. Honestly… its really nice.
The mount though… uhm… no. I don’t have anything against the foxes but like… Gilneans supposedly hunted the foxes as a pastime and using them seems off? I’d have preferred an armored horse with gilnean symbols and some matching to the heritage. Also one final minor annoyance of the fox mount is that its really silly looking in Worgen form. We’re too big for that and its too low to the ground.
The Peacebloom flower is a nice worgen touch though. I like having a hearth to Gilneas. [EDIT: I would have had it be a Rose though. I know when we left she left a peacbloom behind and its a thing in lore to leave it at graves… but you know. A Gilnean touch.]
I would have included some worgen/gilnean weapons spread around town like the nelves got. Just some neat things that make it more along the Bel’ameth lines so we don’t feel shortchanged.
Overall I’m pretty…meh about what we got but I don’t straight up fully hate it. It was not as bad as the Night Elves heritage or our own but it wasn’t a whole lot greater either.
I do Absolutely love Genn stepping down and Tess taking over. I’d have rather she’d taken on the curse along the way but I’m very happy to see her become Queen of Gilneas and will serve my Queen with aplomb. I’m also happy they didn’t just kill Genn… its so shortsighted to kill a character like that when hes getting old and stepping down is a mature and regular thing to see leaders do.
I hope they continue to expand what we got and make things better… mostly though I really want them to ADD THE DANGED TAILS! (optional of course)
Give worgen tails
Don’t private WOW servers steal Blizzards code? If so, why can’t Blizzrd ‘steal’ it back and WE get the tails too—?
Welp, I’m back the mass report discord hit me tuesday and hey they failed. Was either them or a really obnoxious player but who knows. Played the gilneas reclamation and… yeah it disappoints. Felt rushed honestly… then well Greymane handing over the kingdom like he did… yeah idk. Maybe…and this is me putting on a tinfoil hat mind you… maybe they’re setting things up for us getting Goldrinn’s blessing in a later patch as Tess has spoken with him before, Gilneas is reclaimed, and well the night elves are happy again so maybe they’d help convince the old wolf to maybe take up residence in Gilneas as it’s guardian or something and in doing so bless Worgen with a tail option and wolf form for their druid cat form?
Like that orc vendor in the caverns of time that has been that way since BC? Probably predated James Hammond even… was odd at first but if that’s how they want that character to be who am I to object?
Only worgen can use it but it seems bugged lately as it sends you to old Gilneas not reclaimed Gilneas atm… not like there’s much to return to Gilneas for atm.
Happy to hear they’re in agreement on the tails at least… maybe Blizz will give them to us later.
Agreed and I’ll be so mad if the reason they didn’t do it was because worgen aren’t elves… I’ve got no clue why elves (exclusing Nightborne for some reason) are so spoiled with stuff lately
Couldn’t agree more at this point