Which was compounded when BfA gave us the Kul’Tirans, who are historically from Gilneas, what, two generations back? If that?
I d love that mane too!
What style would you all prefer to see in the transmog? Something similar to the ‘fancy gent’ that we have now or?
Whatever they chose, I hope they actually designed the helm especially for the Worgen form, not just the human.
It would be interesting if the Worgen decide to embrace the ‘curse’, start calling it the ‘gift’, and add magical fantasy mog that includes glowing runes, wolf themed jewlery… head piece with mane in white or black with glowing jewels and feathers braided into it, and, of course, a luscious thick tail attached to the legs
Honestly, I’d like more military stuff. Ivar’s plate set, the stuff the garrison guards wore, some stuff like that. Either that or more ‘middle-class’ casual clothes, but we’re getting some of that through Explorers’ League that’d fill that niche well.
Hoping there is a hidden appearance. Dont forget that we had zero idea about the dark ranger customization for elves in 9.2.5. It wasn’t datamined until the day of the patch release.
Lets hope worgens get a similar treatment. Those druids npcs hanging around under the tree on the ptr are looking mighty suspicious.
Male Worgen got messed up too.
They went from having facial expressions and hair colors/styles to a perpetually open gater mount and just the one mane.
And Worgen had almost no presence in lore after the starting zone and a good chunk of that lore was Forsaken story.
So they just botched it all around.
The “They’re not fierce enough!” crowd really destroyed what could have been an amazing race intro.
Most of those people didn’t realise that the face changed expression in combat and did not need to have their mouths open 24/7.
I was very glad with the racial touch ups that they aren’t baking in expressions to faces.
I would not expect tails as the reword as that feels more like a baseline thing, but you never know. Blizzard is all over the place lately.
Cow… You know I would never talk bad about your xmog but… Where on earth did you come up with Cowthulu? <3
oh she cute!
Worgen as a whole got kinda messed up in cata as they advertised amazing models and then come cata gave us the bad models. I was rather ticked that they advertised some really cool models only to pull the rug out from under us and give us the crap models for 10 years. I might of gotten foam at the mouth ticked hearing later that the change may of been because of that “Not Savage enough” crowd who basically ruined the appearances and options of the one race I was most excited for. I was planning back then to make a black furred worgen guy and call him Vanhelsing as a hunter…yeah that idea got thrown out real quick as no true black fur and worgen guys were… done poorly.
Sometimes you gotta pray to whatever beings will listen… doesn’t look that bad though. I’d be worried if Cow dressed her worgen up like a magical girl despite the fact magical girl outfits supposedly coming next month ^^;
Oh My Worgen druid is going to dress up in that outfit 100% and she will stand in the middle of Lion’s Rest and do Sailor Moon Poses and no one can stop her.
More power to you, just like I’m not peeling the warden garb off my vulpera or worgen just to spite all those people who even still keep demanding the outfit be limited to NE only when it takes a year to get. Probably the same stupid folk who keep saying worgen aren’t wolves or worgen aren’t werewolves when they very clearly are. On another note it’s rather nice the warden set looks nice on more than just elves, glad the developers made that so as yeah no if I spent a year trying to get the set only for it to be race locked I was going to flip. Now if only the armor on the mount changed colors alongside the body…and worgen get optional tails
Yes, Worgen do indeed need tails. 100%
Also hey, your fox can rock that Armor. Don’t let anyone tell you different. As a NE Player, and Warden roleplayer, You rock that armor!
Now if only I had the static ones so Moon here can wear the white and silver moon themed variant. I wonder if they’d give us a purple variant…like an eclipse kinda thing as that’d rock for my shadow priest. Good news is we get static variants tomorrow and here’s hoping worgen getting optional tails
Fingers crossed.
I like how the helm comes with Ear Protection. them wardens knew what they were doing.
/Give Tails Worgen.
/Tails Worgen Give.
/Worgen Give Tails.
/Give Worgen Tails.
/Give Everyone Tail OPTIONS plz, Thx.
At the very least they didn’t stain them alliance colors and try to sell them to Horde like some of the sets on the trading post. Kinda hard to match gold and blue for a druid on Horde… but it could be neat seeing alternate colors of warden garb going forward.
Color combos I’d love to see added in the future:
Black and Silver: Dark Ranger Warden
Crimson and Gold: Spellbreaker (Blood Elf) Warden
Purple and Silver: Void Warden
Midnight Blue and Gold: General Alliance flavor
Bright Red and Black: General Horde flavor.
Need elves to vouch for Worgen. Blizzard always listens to elves.
15k reply later and 4 years later after this thread was made and many patches and one expansion later. It won’t happen no matter how much you all try to bump this thread to the top. So please stop wasting your time on this singular thread.