Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

Man, the alpha model being able to change hairstyles is one of the worst things to have lost.

Those “Not monstrous enough!” people really messed us up.s


And blizzard could have rolled back that damn change when it was clear that whatever nightmare they came up with as a quick fix was even worse.


Those faces, though… <.<

And? The aesthetics of those alpha faces were far superior to THIS THING


Take that away! My eyes! AHHH :dracthyr_uwahh_animated:


9 god damn years did it take for blizzard to un-**** those things. And STILL they insisted on keeping the god damn parasitic mullet.



Gotta wonder how much of it was and yet is the result of pressure from some cabal of individuals with very particular tastes in monster girls hidden among corporate’s upper echelons.


They shoved the change through when there was just a few weeks until launch. Horrid development.

It’s really silly that they went out of their way to NOT have the ability to make hairstyles.

You think that victorian themed people could wear wigs or something.

There was a very loud minority of “They aren’t vicious enough” that completely ruined both models with their feedback.

It was just bad development.


Precisely. The hairstyles should at least have been roughed up versions of their human ones.


And even if they don’t go that far, it would not be too hard to attach like a long braid down the back or let males have full beards or something.

They just limit themselves on purpose.

And it’s a limit that makes tmog look terrible on them, cause either absurd clipping or they design stuff to go around the mullet making it hang like half a meter from our back…

And I’m someone who is rarely bothered by clipping…

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Soon 15k messages! Come on ! A little effort !

Give worgen tails!


Some may just be trying to avoid admitting to such having had posts where they did torn down by the mass report Discord folk… but they keep playing mostly anthro races anyways >> << >_> but anyways…hopefully worgen get optional tails

They report me all the time. I will more than admit I’m a furry if they don’t like it too bad.


Just when you think trolls can’t be anymore childish, I’m sorry but anyone who reports or mass reports someone for being a furry needs their head checked. There’s zero things wrong with being one but people don’t seem to get that through their thick skulls. Anyways…back on topic I hope worgen get tails, it’s really dumb they don’t when every race that uses their frame has them


It just seems cartoony, I don’t see the big deal.


Never change Chespin. You are always great for a laugh whenever you open your mouth. Asheru is a macro because the race she is part of is called the Lyceen and they all are. I mean yes Star Wars and Star Trek have all taught us that all aliens are just different colored humans but that kind of gets boring after a while. I came up with an alien race that due to the different kind of planet they live on is much larger than a human. There is nothing wrong with that at all. I understand you don’t like my character and that is fine I mean everyone is more than welcome to have their own opinion. But at the same time there is nothing breaking the ToS for me to post my character so I can and will post it should I feel its needed to prove a point. You have a Merry Christmas Chespin and I’ll be over here enjoying life.


Well, Chespin was always a first class jokester.

As for the art, it’s cartoony for me, nothing harmful so what’s the big deal with it?

If the art was breaking the ToS, it would have been already removed.


Its the artist style. I was sitting around in Second Life and randomly the artist came up to me and asked if they could draw my character. I told him I didn’t have any “lindens” (The Second Life Currency) to give him and he said. I just like the way your character looks so I would like to draw her. About 2 hours later he contacted me and gave me that picture. The model is 113 feet tall so that’s why there is a little tree by her leg to show scale. But ya there is nothing wrong with Asheru or the art I use for her. In fact I’m currently getting a new full 3D model done to use her both on my streams and in VRChat and other programs.

The main thing is she is a humanoid wolf character and works well with a tail. Giving Worgen the option to choose if they would like a tail as well would be a good thing. People who play the race will choose and both sides will be happy. Why some people want to fight this is just silly at this point. But hey just like we have the opinion that we want a tail, they are welcome to have an opinion of they don’t want it. They are just wrong but they are welcome to have the opinion. As I’ve said before when they pay for my account they can tell me what I can and can’t want for my character.


Recently I caught a stream and the statement “this person is having way more fun playing this game than you are” really summed up the type of person some people in this game are. Chespin is such a prime example of not having enough fun, and rather than uplift themself must tear down others.

Also shoutout to Maurdeth who seems to have found a crew to crush M+ with. I hope Chespin can find some friends to up their game with too.