Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

Optional tails for worgen when?!


Give worgen optional tails.

And other neat stuff.


Take away worgens faces, give them tails.

… Acceptable.

Give Worgen Tails.

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Make Panda women thicker


tails pls lol.
like why the dogs dont have tails? lore reasons?

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1639 likes & 14902 posts… and not a single response from the devs… ^^"

funny thing is…there isn’t any honest to god lore reason as to why they don’t got tails yet people keep trying to make stuff up saying there is a lore reason. They could easily say the worgen get blessed by Goldrinn and gain optional tails so it’s not that hard to make a believable reason for the tails

This is a good idea too… but still saying worgen need their tails before we start adding extra curves to some of the ladies lol



Both…? >_>

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There’s never been a lore reason why they don’t. The former devs/writing team just didn’t want furry bait back in Cata. And then proceeded to put out Pandaren the next expac with tails. So yeah. There is no reason it’s not a thing at this point. Blizzard is just a bunch of cowards in it at this point. This thread alone proves how many would love the option of tails, and frankly should have been a thing from right out the gate.


What should have been our hairstyles…


Both…Both is good


#Give Worgen Optional Tails
#Give Worgen Real Hairstyles
#Give Worgen A Lore Correct Size!


Got my worgen up to lvl 68 and it would really be nice if she could have a tail :heart:

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Furry thread

If you say so boring human. Really very few of the posters here are furrys. I am and feel free to take a shot at me, I’ll enjoy breaking you just like all the others.


My OC is a furry no questions asked:

And I have plenty of Emotes as I stream on Twitch:

Not going to link them all it would take too long but you get the idea. Honestly there is nothing wrong with simply having a furry character. Worgen are Werewolves so yes they are going to be called furry’s just like Pandaren, Tauren, Vulpern and even Dracthyr. It’s just part of the game to have anthro style humanoids. And yes there are those who take it to the extreme but there are also those who just want to play a game with the characters they choose to play. Not everyone who plays Worgen is a furry and not every furry is going to UWU you to death with cringe.


John Cruelty wants Worgen to have tail options.

Give Worgen Tails.

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I’d still like to see some Worgen Tails available to players. I’d definitely enjoy playing my good boys and girls if they had a fluff tail wagging behind 'em.

Can’t wait to play a Worgen paladin and a Worgen shaman too. Those will just be gravy… with tails!