Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

I have 7 days left until my subscription expires. Presumably, after that, I’ll be looking at quite a long break from WoW, given what’s been shown on the roadmap. So far, nothing really appeals to me.

Nevertheless, I hope for you all that in 2024, Worgen finally get optional tails.

Hopefully, there will also be some decent customization options overall. While I still believe that the Worgen model needs a complete overhaul to be more appealing, sharing a fate with male Night Elves :sweat_smile:, if they at least aren’t completely ignored in terms of customization, well, that would be a step in the right direction.


At their firm insistence.
Ill could I of angels ask their time to waste upon me.

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All I want for Christmas is Worgen tails.

Hopefully everyone enjoys a good holiday week. 2024 is our year. For now everyone relax and let’s look forward to getting those tails!


hopefully its tail options under the tree and not just random disconnected tails in a box…

/give Worgen Tails.
/give ALL races TAIL OPTIONS
plz thx


Hope everyone has a wonderful Xmas, and here’s hoping that we see our worgen getting optional tails going forward. (with less trolls like Chespin tends to be as well)


Well looks like Chespin lost another post. Guess we will see them in 3 days. Oh the irony.



Please dont

??? Don’t what?

I really wonder why they keep trying…

Why are they so afraid of the concept of furrys?

Maybe because they only see the degenerate side of the furry fandom who know?

I guess that i am one as i play a Khajit in TESO as well as a Ferasan and a Caitian in Star trek online but i don’t see why i should be ashamed for this.
At the end of the day, it’s just a fantasy that you can fulfill in a fictional world, not the real one.

Regarding the topic, if i want to have an optional tail, it’s to make my worgen more ferocious and closer to how i envision a werewolf.
Lorewise, it’s very easy to have a justification in a world where magic exist: A curse can evolve with the help of Goldrinn for example.

My future worgen b/f WILL have a tail to slap me with softly.

It’s Christmas, it would be a wonderful gift to get tails for our Worgen


Santaclaws stopped by and personally told me that we will get worgen tails in 2024.



Who bit Santa?


Look he came into the house and I panicked, what was I supposed to do?


Look he came down the chimney and well you know, bite first say your sorry later… Anyways he will be fine… The Dr. said his bark is worse than his bite. But there is the visit everyone in 1 night thing… Oh well guess we will see a lot more Worgen around soon enough.


I…may of given him a nibble, I mean come on man the guy came out of nowhere I got spooked but hey could be worse right? Although…now I’m curious what a worgen Santa looks like… merry Xmas btw… sorry for also biting Santa ^^;


Man. Santa got mauled.

Like Genn but significantly more beard.

Full Beards and Tails for Worgen please.


I went back to worgen. I just missed it. And the new chosen identity racial is nice. I still want a tail and full hairstyles. But better than not being a worgen. Just feel like my rogue is a worgen and anything else feels wrong.

Idk about mauled… used as a chew toy maybe but I’m sure he got some apology snacks and milk or well… did from me anyways. Question is was the Santa we all chewed on a human, a dwarf, or an Orc that oddly tastes like chicken? Who did we give the worgen curse to?

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