Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

This thread is too small. Unfortunately Blizzard wont even notice. :sleepy:

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Yeah, definitely needs a couple more zeroes before they notice :confused:

I remember to have seen few pictures of an NPC in Greyman Manor as well as Kaldoreis in the dark forest.

I hope that they will do something for Emberstone village, Tempest Reach and Keel Harbor as well.

As for Duskhaven, i would have liked to see it restored in some way through some terraforming magic. You know having something close to the original Gilneas coast before everything crumbled.

Another thing is missing: Gilnean transmogs. The night elves will get some with Amirdrassil but us? Nothing until now.

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Notā€¦sure if this is a big deal but I saw a post on Twitter from that MrGM guyā€¦saying there has been signs of a 10.2.6 patchā€¦ and that itā€™ll happen after 10.2.5. Not exactly sure butā€¦if that proves trueā€¦could it be a chance at worgen getting a quest line for optional tails? Post caught my attention as he said we havenā€™t gotten a .6 patch since cataā€¦ which also stood out asā€¦cata is when we first got worgenā€¦

Hereā€™s said postā€¦heā€™s responding to that Algalon guy mentioning a 10.2.6 popping up or whatever


I really hope this famous patch adds tails for worgens and other customization, but well, until I see them, I donā€™t really believe itā€¦


Goldrinnā€™s Chosen: The Worgenā€™ connection to their Druidic origins was hightened following the awakening of a new World Tree on Azeroth, Amirdrassil. As returned Gilneans find themselves contending with their origins and contemplating their future, their ferocious Worgen forms have also changed. While some take on a more humanoid appearance, others choose to embrace their viciousness, and unleash their innermost bestial instincts.

NEW Worgen costumization: Pack Alpha options - including new postures, face and eye shapes, ear positions, iris glows, snouts and snarls, fur colours and patterns, hairstyles and hair colours, accessories, and tail options.

NEW Gilnean Human customization options: Face, eye and ear shapes, iris glows, hair styles and colours, snarls, scars, bite markings, fangs, accessories and jewelry.

Make it happen Blizz :wolf: :cloud_with_rain: :city_sunset: :crescent_moon: #Gilneas2024 #CataAlphaWorgen #GiveWorgenTails #Immersion Lore


I have a question for all the individuals opposed to the addition of tails for worgens: Why are you against it? Whatā€™s your reasoning, aside from not wanting to see certain players happy with a character they clearly enjoy? Frequently, the same arguments are presented, such as it not being present in the lore, in-game, or in cinematics.

However, thereā€™s one crucial aspect youā€™re overlooking: this topic has been discussed for years, since 2020, and Iā€™m certain there must be other discussions dating back much further. If Blizzard canā€™t incorporate something as simple as a tail, when do you believe they will address concerns about other races?

The only concession the worgen community has received on this matter is a joke about female dracthyr. Do you truly believe this is an appropriate response from a company aiming to encourage consumerism among its customers?
The only thing I perceive in this jest is developers who donā€™t know how to engage with their communities and would rather see us persistently posting with a glimmer of hope.

So, Blizzard, please, give the worgen tails!


loving all of this exceptā€¦I could care less about the human form as Iā€™m never touching it. I mean I was one of the folk who said if we could sacrifice or forsake our human form for tails and more options for our worgen form Iā€™d do so in a heartbeat.


Thatā€™s fair. I donā€™t really use the human form, nor would I probably use the tail much if it ever became availableā€¦ The keyword is customization options, the more the better, within reason :smiley:


Most people donā€™t as Worgen human form canā€™t be used in combat like Dracthyr Visage and Worgen human form is pure copy pasta of Stormwind humans. Nothing unique to Worgen even though itā€™s well know there is a waltz dance that could be given to Worgen humans that would fit the British style the Gilnean people are known for.


I agree. This is why I suggested further unique options for the Gilnean humans, as they are often depicted in both Blizzard external and fan art. I far prefer the Worgen form, but also the Visageā€¦ so youā€™re onto something there. People like unique things to express creativity in a fantasy game. Thatā€™s often forgotten in these discussions.

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Iā€™m not sure they have the ability to divorce Gilnean human options from Stormwind human options at the moment.

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Arenā€™t they a separate race customization still? They are definitely of the same skeletal rig, but I believe the Worgen humans have unique hair and eye colours (iirc)? I might be wrong on that.

I checked. Unless there are face options that are different from one to the other, they have the same categories and same options in each category that I can see. Male to male, female to female, the options are identical. I even was able to use the barber shop to give a human the exact same appearance as Ephramā€™s human form. =/

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Worgen human form is just Stormwind human options. There is nothing unique to the Gilnean people.

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Yeah, aside from the Greyguard armor and title, which only kind of counts. Even the little lore and cultural tidbits we have feel like either watered down Lordaeron with a soupcon of Kulā€™Tiras, is inherited from nelf or human areas the worgen displaced during Cata, or is directly informed by and tied to the worgen side of things.

Itā€™s kind of easy to tell who the baby of the Cata races was, and that worgen were a pivot very late in the planning stages that the devs havenā€™t really taken to heart even now. Maybe 10.2.5 will turn that around, but Iā€™m not holding my breath.


It would turn things around only if we get free gilnean transmogs for once because until now:

  • A cloak flagged as gilnean in the trading post (a recolor of one of the 7th legion cloak).
  • A shield + a sword only for the warriorā€¦ in the trading post.
  • And this month the red fox from Ardenweal, supposedly coming from a gilnean legendā€¦in the trading post, again.

I have to precise that iā€™m talking about HD transmog and no, the Greyguard armor is certainly not in HD or at least, its quality is so bad in my eyes that i canā€™t consider this a HD outfit.

We are lacking true armors and weapons, canā€™t they give us all of these considering this will be the last time that we will have a story for our race?


Hey, uh, do Worgen have tails yet? No? Okay, just checkingā€¦ :sob:


Silly Mass Report Discord. You guys just keep failing to get rid of me.



It wouldnā€™t be so bad if they had the guts to let it have cleavage, or put in the effort to give it a proper jabot instead of the vast gray sheet of garbage over the chest they insist upon.
And I know they know what a jabot is. Theyā€™ve used them twice for store sets at this point.