Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

There’s one such idea :slight_smile: iirc Genn has such leap in Heroes of the Storm?
We have seen main / active racials nerfed/buffed before, but changing them completely could cause a fuss, and shift the balancing in competitive spheres like Arena and M+. Nevertheless, I am totally with you in wishing that would happen. I think the game would benefit greatly from having more variety. One of the reasons I’m glad I went back Worgen is that I am getting tired of Elves. I have too many of them. It would be cool to see more of other races running about, and racial ability imbalances swing every expansion or two anyway.

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Honestly, that’s much better than what I suggested. It’s essentially the same thing, indeed only on the offensive side rather than being completely passive. It would also read much better on Viciousness’ tooltip: “Increases critical strike chance and leech by 1%.”

I also just remembered a caveat about Running Wild: I liked the original activation sound better. I also think the animation at the higher mount speeds should be slightly slower. Worgen are werewolves, not rabbits.

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Almost 15k posts in this thread, yet no tails. gives Blizzard the side eye…

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Um, Werewolves don’t have any tails…

Just ask Anthony Hopkins and Benicio DelToro…

At least, give worgens a belt transmog that looks like a tail.

Um, panda bears don’t have long tails either. What’s your point? It’s a fantasy world xD

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Werewolves often have tails.

Despite wikipedia having a fairly poor article on it Werewolves have always been depicted by the original cultures that created those myths with and without interchangeably once you actually find true scholarly sources on the matter.

Werewolves with and without tails are normal.



Yes…because Hollywood is such a reliable source for good ideas, right?

rolls eyes


Meanwhile in video games, werewolves have tails. Ask the devs of Elder Scrolls or Werewolf the Apocalypse.


You sir, need to talk to Hugh Jackman and Kate Beckingsale…

Those are movies thought, besides, with the case of video games having tails, and some movies not having, why not the best of both worlds? Give worgens the option to have or not have a tail. Everyone wins. :smiley:


Some movies have them and some don’t hence the reason we are asking for it to be optional so people can choose if they want one or not. Normally comes down to if they have the budget to animate a tail.


You want to chase tail…go to your local bar!

I’ve compiled some suggestions and additions and posted them: De+Modernizing the Worgen - Customization and Trait Suggestions


Rather go back to the source of werewolves where they literally depict them both with and without tails among more than one culture and over time.

The animation has always been a pet peeve. Personally I think it looks like a hopping frog. Check the running animation for the old worgen model for what the animators tried, and failed miserably, to recreate.

The genesis for this animation rework might be best pushed through the female model, which takes a rather inappropriate pose at a very inconvenient height relative to male models. Blizzard is trying so hard to fix every micro aggression in this game they might take notice with a silly reason like this.

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Way I hear it it’s for RP usage of the manor, not sure why its a big deal but I also can’t seem to find the article lately so for all I know that may be changed.

No chance in hell of that being what’s going on, they made it very clear player housing is not going to happen sorry to say

Since Darkflight doesn’t stack with other movement speed boosting moves that part is fine but… I have to say health regen isn’t really fitting the theme of worgen

This idea however…this idea alongside the crit chance for viciousness sounds just right.

If you mean a short fluffy tail then that’s fine…could be one of the styles given as well there is that old story of a wolf in sheep’s clothing… so it works I guess. Long as worgen get optional tails I can’t complain about style ideas as we might get a fair sum of them for all I know whenever Blizz delivers our optional tails

This idea…yeah no this idea would be an insult more than anything, so much so I’d happily start using NE as scratching posts and let them know who was the one who suggested the insulting idea


It is indeed a much better idea, I’ve adopted it above in my corrective reply :smiley:

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WTB Worgen tails, paying 10% over AH price