Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

Also Roses for hair/tails.


Now thatā€™s about said and done I guess optional tails would be alright.


Getting Gilneas back, theyā€™re making it more populated than it started with, making it extra nice apparentlyā€¦ so one would hope optional tails are coming as well. Maybe even a new color or take on the heritage armor but Iā€™d rather have an optional tail atm


It could still be more populated. On the PTR it appeared that only the city and the new dock in Stormglen Village are populated, but Iā€™d want to see other places like the Greymane Manor re-occupied by the royal family, and there are other manors and towns that could have NPCs added to them, or just strolling about the roads leading to the city, at least patrols such as in the other human areas. Having Worgen and Human hunter NPC groups, with the hounds, wagons etc. would be the perfect Victorian-Gothic vibe + Worgen story dream come true. For Gilneas!

Edit: Hereā€™s my updated wish-list for Gilneas:

  1. Broader Gilneas zone NPC population and activity
  2. Expanded services in Gilneas city and towns
  3. Alliance City indication icon on the world map

And Worgen:

  1. Upright posture option for male
  2. New female face options reminiscent of the Cata-Alpha models
  3. Cata-Alpha hairstyles and hair colours, or at least new mane colours.
  4. UPDATED Racial - Darkflight: speed bonus increased to 50%.
  5. UPDATED Racial - Viciousness: 10% Health regen may continue during combat, in addition to the Crit.

There is something going on there a few npcs are clearing the place up and you can oddly talk to one and ask for some alone time oddly enough and they say they will return the next day.

Huh? Reallyā€¦ Thatā€™s VERY interestingā€¦ Iā€™ll have to check the PTR.
Player Housing related testing??

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Jeezā€¦ Why not ask for flight, water walking, phase shift, mind reading, and free loot too.

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These would still be FAR weaker than most races for the content where racials ā€œmatterā€.
Suggestions like these would boost Worgen player numbers, the race is severely outdated. Night Elves received like 5 passive stat racials in WoD.
Ideally, Darkflight would be a pseudo-teleport / shadow sprint to location within 20 yds with a 1 sec immunity or freedom. Itā€™s still worse than Shadowmeld or even Spatial Rift. The cooldown can be 2.5 min if it grants protection.

Darkflight donā€™t stack with other movement speed buffs so bumping it to 50% isnā€™t too much of an ask.

The health regen thing I donā€™t think would happen but it would be nice to finally see Worgen get our racial revamp.


I meant in addition to the crit chance. Indeed, itā€™s unlikely our racials will ever be changed in any meaningful way. Still, thereā€™s never harm in raising ideas, asking and discussing.

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Exactly there is no harm in asking I just donā€™t see that part of it sadly. The dark flight thing sure that could be doable seeing as Dark Flight used to stack with things like rogue sprint. Hell most people werenā€™t playing Worgen in Cataclysm beta and have no idea the original version of Viciousness was just a flat 1% dmg.

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Yup, which is why it was nerfed alongside Abberation and Darkflightā€™s beta versions. They were all stronger.
Even with my suggested buffs, maybe other than the Darkflight pseudo-port thingy, I donā€™t see how Worgen would still be any stronger than just Nightborne or another race or two by some small margin. There are many ways to boost a raceā€™s player numbers. I suggested more zone immersion / lore appeasing which is already starting, appearance options and racial ability attention, but even one of the three would help. I know I went back Worgen to celebrate the return to Gilneas and my childhood memories, and Iā€™m certain Iā€™m not the only one :slight_smile:

Funnily enough, Shadowlands proved that too. Anyone remember how many worgens were running around simply because they got a couple of new fur colors in the prepatch? Keep in mind, this was before the sudden boom in worgen count because they could use running wild in the maw. Now take that concept, and apply it to actual unique worgen appearances, like a tail option or actual hair styles or up right options.


Looking forward to some tail action in ā€¦ 10.2.5 maybe? Come on Blizzard, throw us a bone here!


Iā€™m not sure health regen really fits anyway, this is an offensive themed racial. Adding 1% leech would be more in line with the theme.

Also donā€™t forget aberration. All the resistance racials took a big hit in usefulness when they became 1% damage reductions.

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What about we compromise. I can concede to tails if you all can agree that it can be something like a sheepā€™s tail.

LOOK, YOU. Stop being such a killjoy, or I shall indulge in a joy kill.

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I support worgen with tails.

Give Worgen tails.


I wish Darkflight was actually more like a Warriors Heroic Leap or a Rogues Grappling Hook.

We see worgen leap massive distances in the starting zone and even genn leaps a fair distance when he fights Sylvanas in Stormheim.

I always thought Darkflight while neat would be better if it were represented that way.