Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

You spend your time to post the same comments for years because you don’t want some optional pixels that you wouldn’t even have to use.


You have to go way way way way wayyyyyyyyy up but I explained to Chespin how tauren druids are a vanilla WoW insert so they weren’t unique to just night elves. Worgen paladins are more legit by pre WoW lore.

And I’ve also not posted in quite some time, so take that argument and put it in the circular file where it belongs. :man_shrugging:

I donate my tail for the greater good of the worsens plight that so hinders they’re ability to balance and move swiftly as wolf creatures.

I could already tell what was going on when I saw that there were something like 65 new posts in this thread. :popcorn:

Regarding the lack of requests being fulfilled, there are plenty of customization options for various races players have been asking to have added to the game that just haven’t been getting added, like Troll beards, Undead beards, eye runes (like the Blood Elf on the Burning Crusade box art) and tattoos for Blood Elves and Void Elves, separated scar options for all races, and even other customization options for Worgen like teeth customization similar to Orcs and earring options like Genn Greymane in cinematics and art outside the game.

On a side note, I kind of feel that Genn Greymane’s Worgen form models could use an update since he’s still using the old male Worgen model as a base and he also lacks a lot of the details from other media like teeth rings and earrings. He should get an update to his Worgen form models like they did for Lor’themar Theron (although his current lack of an eyepatch makes his on-click dialogue not make much sense) and Jasper Gallywix. I think Genn Greymane also currently lacks a blue coat variant for his Worgen form model with the coat, so in the Worgen starting zone his clothes will change color when he switches between human form and Worgen form. I would definitely like them to keep the “Worgen form with just pants” model for Legion content as well in a potential model update, too. Sometimes model variants for NPCs disappear when they get updated, and I’m already concerned that Alleria might use her new model in Legion content.

But anyway, there are plenty of players getting frustrated with new customization options almost always being strictly new hair colors and skin colors, especially as there are still playable races lacking in customization whether it’s because of fewer customization categories like with the Worgen form or are just lacking in customization of any kind like Kul Tirans.

I think it’s fine for someone to disagree with a customization request, but I don’t think there’s a need to try and stop people from making customization requests. I don’t even know why some people are so bothered by customization requests when players can’t even seem to convince the devs to add Troll beards despite there being Troll NPCs with beards.

I guess some people somehow still expect more than just new hair colors and skin colors. I haven’t been convinced that the Shadowlands customization update was anything more than just one of the expansion’s gimmicks that almost always gets abandoned before the next expansion, similar to stuff like Legion’s Artifact Weapons and BfA’s Warfronts.

I’ll have more interest in what new customization options we could get when we finally start seeing stuff like beards for Darkspear and Zandalari Trolls, eye runes for Blood Elves, and/or even possibly optional tails for Worgen or something. Even a single new hairstyle would be exciting at this point (though obviously I’d like to see more than that). Until then, I think it’s almost irrational to be worried about Worgen tails being some supposedly “horrible” addition to the game that is on the verge of actually getting added.


I read it in Kratos’ voice since they opened with boy


That was a serious read, but I absolutely agree. Thank you for taking the time to outline it all, and I urge everyone that sees it to take a quick read.

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I can tell you’re joking or I’d imagine you are as if the worgen has the tail they’d be able to lift it out of the way for that. Worgen are also a lot more distinguished than a common dog so they’d take baths and such so no it wouldn’t just be clinging to their fur.

Same here, felt it was another crazed spree of hateful Karen like posts from Chespin given their usual behavior here

Yeah he does seem to be falling behind the rest of us but idk best time to update his model may be retaking of Gilneas if not early next expac. Still hoping the reason we can’t test the retaking of Gilneas stuff is because of a questline they’re keeping quiet about involving giving us our tails but who knows. Can see them keeping quiet on that as well… easy to see we got people who’d throw a tantrum if we worgen got some love… I mean Chespin wasn’t the only troll we’ve had in this thread ranting but they were the only one who demanded we worgen players be banned for playing worgen… then deleted their post or had it removed as yeah no that kinda mindset is not welcome here.

I’m mostly frustrated that EVERYTIME there is new stuff…it’s for the BE, VE,or NE… or is otherwise like you said new hair colors or skin tones… and more often than not it’s stuff we worgen aren’t getting or can’t use. Almost insulting that they say “Worgen getting new customizations” and almost all of them are for our human form which is basically worthless for us or it’s fur patterns with stuff that should of been options baked into them…like the scars and such. If I had a dollar for every time people have tried tot ell me they’re wanting to be able to toggle on their human form as a worgen and fight as a human… I’d be rich honestly as there is just that many crazy people these days. The human form is worthless, if they want to be human they should roll a human… how is this hard to figure out for people?

Kinda boils down to them thinking if they can they will try to get in our way… yet these same folk don’t go to the elven customization requests threads and tell them no…nope…seems to be mostly us worgen maybe the tauren and vulpera too

Not going to lie…I found this post rather funny but then again maybe it was the image of a red draenei being stuffed into a extra large slingshot by an undead yelling “ET go home” … lol. Nothing wrong with the space goats helping us request optional tails though, idk why but Blizz seems to have given them oddly cute models… or maybe the people behind the lightforged wanted to make them thicc for who knows why


Especially now that Kul Tirans have taken not just worgen druids’ thunder, but our cloud, lightning, rain, and wind, too. I will die mad that they took the wickerbeasts, which were the Gilnean contribution to All Hallow’s End for the alliance, and made forms around them for the Kul Tirans >.>


how many tails do you want - 10, 15, or 20 :open_mouth:

Worgen should have an ability like the Asian fox god with 9 tails and go super sayan or something.

I’m back, again, because I’m racechanging my main back to Worgen and returning to my roots. I was very happy to see whatever I could explore of the reclaimed Gilneas in the PTR, and hope we’ll get to see more Worgen costumization soon. If I were responsible, I’d buff Darkflight in some way, re-add the alpha hairstyle category options and even the male posture / female model options. I think if all these were done, the Worgen population would see quite the boost in numbers. Nevertheless, the best one can do is hope… but I’m definitely happy for the developer attention. I hope that we’ll see more interesting things coming our way soon :slight_smile:


A) Kitsune, B) Not a god, C) That would be Vulpera if anyone.

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There’s one thing I’d mainly like to see happen that isn’t available on worgens at all. It’s the presence of jewels. All races offer jewelry for women, even allied races. The only races that don’t have the option are the Mechagnome and the Undead. The problem is that these two races have a fairly high level of customization, whereas worgens only have the minimum possible…

I can already see people saying that we have the customizations for our human form, but for the record, no worgen plays in human form, because otherwise we’d be human. Why play a race of giant wolfmen who change shape to remain only human? There’s a race of humans who stay human and are human.

Tails should be an optional extra, to give players the option of having one. It’s just a question of aesthetics and allowing players to play their characters as they wish.

Worgens need a real update in terms of our choice of customable options, so why be against something that can only be beneficial? You’re happy to have more options for your races, let us have ours.


If Worgen racials would be buffed I would definitely race change. Also, they need tails.


Silly mass report discord is slipping only got a day. Anyway miss me? Time to pick up the slack and get more customization for Worgen! Don’t worry I’m here to stay.

Give worgen tails.


Give Worgen tails!


I don’t play Worgen, but they should have tails if they want them.