Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

Round … Wait I lost count… Whatever you come back here to lose again Chespin… Bring it on.


Okay, give worgen tails, but also please buff their awful racials

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Still the only core race in the game waiting on our turn for the racial revamp.


Dude I’ve won, the reason why worgen don’t have tails it ties them to their humanity. You just can’t accept it. Desperately you cling onto outsourced art pieces thinking they’re official when literally all cinematics have them with no tails.

Why do you oppose something that would make others happy and doesn’t hinder you in any way? People here are asking for optional tails for wolves. Wolves have tails. In this game, even panda bears have long tails, but for some reason, you disagree with optional tails for wolves? I’ll never understand some WoW players. This is the only game community that has so many issues when other players are given more freedom. :sweat_smile:


You ain’t won nothing until WoW is dead and buried. The absence of it now doesn’t mean it won’t ever be.

Its a reasonable request that doesn’t harm anything. That you oppose it is entirely a personal vendetta you’ve decided to waste your life on over video game pixels.

You’re a sad sort.


There’s so much inconsistency with character creation and lore/cinematics, that having tails for worgens added after a quest with a bit of lore to justify it will be far more tolerable than a lot of customization.

Please note that the art shown is official, as is the book presenting Genn with a tail, and the non-presence of tails in the cinematics is totally justified by their non-presence in the game.

No source has ever said that a worgen cannot and never will have tails. Adding such a thing doesn’t alter the lore, gameplay or anything else that could harm the average player, it’s cosmetic in the same way as you can make a red draenei or an uncorrupted void elf.


Speaking of catching mad cow… hi Chespin…back from what I’m guessing was a forum vacation from last time you popped up?

Ah…yeah those remarks again… great… you know it’s stuff like that which gets you in trouble and accused of trolling and such right? Just because worgen don’t got tails yet does not mean you won. You haven’t won anything at this point as the game’s still going so the chance we’ll get worgen having optional tails is still there. At the very least you’re not spewing that nonsense from the first time you popped up where you were demanding everyone with a max level worgen have their accounts banned. I mean…we didn’t forget you said that…delete the remark if you may… still doesn’t mean we’ll forget about it.


Right…sure you do Chespin…you do know coming in here and being rude is going to get you another vacation right? So…hey…hope you enjoy it… maybe change your character’s name to Karen if you come back…

You’ll be foolish to believe it was my first comment. It was much nicer but seeing how you react to people with a different opinion made it warranted. I’ve won it’s been over a decade and in game there’s no mention or model of a worgen featuring a tail. If blizzard wanted them to have a tail it would’ve been done after the 14 years or so.

Worgens having no tail is a feature.

What do you mean get you another vacation? I was playing different videogames.

There’s no inconsistency, in WoW there’s no worgen with a tail.

Maybe go back to them.


This is the level of petty I can appreciate lol.

I’m well aware of the time you’ve spent trying, desperately, to convince anyone that we shouldn’t be requesting worgen to have optional tails has, and always will be, in vain.

Nothing you’ve ever done here has done anything but further our cause. Bumping the thread keeping it going. Showing how ridiculous it is to be against an optional tail request.

You’re not even being useful to your own goals.


I’ll help you track them down.

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But I don’t want a tail. I like wearing capes!

That’s why we are asking for it to be optional. Win for both sides.


I’m not trying to convince you, by your dedication it would be impossible.

The terrible bumping argument rears its ugly yet again. Considering that the dozen people who constantly bump the thread back to page one are still here makes it a moot point.