Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

Part of it is the 4 fingers thing. The way they are so elongated they just don’t work as well as the shorter fingers on Vulpera who also have 4 fingers but honestly its hard to notice it. While most are happy that the Abomination is gone the animations for Worgen were, just like all other aspects of the race, rushed. Oddly if you use food that scales Worgen up you notice the animations are better synced. The race should be 8 feet tall but in game they are 6’11" for some reason and it speeds the animations up. Once again its part of Blizzard running out of time for Worgen and slapping out a half done job that honestly they should have been ashamed of for an AAA company to release such a bad model.

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Give Worgen tails. Then give them leprosy and let all the tails fall off.

Just because your rotting don’t mean other races need to.

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Just because I am rotting should mean that ALL the other races should too. It’s only fair!


I mean who’s fault is it you couldn’t defend yourself and died? At least you get a second chance. Just do us a favor and do it over there the smell is rather… strong.

Wait a second Worgen… aren’t you cursed too? Aren’t you essentially a dog? Don’t you also stink when you get wet? Stop being a racist against my people or I’ll have you put to sleep. :stuck_out_tongue:

Well you know unlike you a nice bath works wonders for the wet dog smell… Its kind of hard to remove the stench of failure from the undead.

Nope. I regularly use Hartz 3n1 Flea & Tick Shampoo. It’s lemon scented.


whoa look at all the dogs showing up once i toot toot toot on this fancy whistle.

You good boys? who’s good boys? who wants to go find traffic… let’s go find some traffic!

::grabs tennis ball::

Uh huh.

Use that whistle again. I’ll start shooting arrows into that leathery old face until it stops being funny.

how hard would it be?

It would only take 1 arrow… Then again shoot it might improve his looks.

Hmm… what if the devs forced Worgen to choose between Gilneas or tails? Which would you choose?

“A tail, a tail! My kingdom for a tail!”


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Leather?! I’ll have you know my head is void of any flesh whatsoever. My head is practically a pearl.

I’ll put you back in the ground with the last person who harmed my friends

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Worgen questline, maybe new customizations incoming?? I would love a tail option rn

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uhh Killaworgen is my cousin, that ain’t me. I’d accuse you of photoshopping that picture except I know that worgen can’t use mice cause of their paws, and cant use computers cause they don’t understand them.

Your eyes musta rotted out cuz I’m clearly a lizard D:

You alliance all look alike to me. I just thought you were extra ugly and wasn’t going to say anything cause even an ugly dog can be loved. Lizards not so much.