Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

Goldrinn should let good puppers get tails! Give Worgen Tails!


This 100% but I did spot that with Avianaā€™s statue they do the same thing with Dracthyr where you get an extra option to do the unlock saying something along the lines of you ride the winds on Dragons wings. Kind of ironic seeing as they really donā€™t fly on their own.

they donā€™t supposedly fly on their own till 10.2.5 but weā€™ll see. Hopefully worgen get optional tails that patch too but it may not be till 2024 that the patch shows up

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wh8at if the tails spin at the speed of a helicopter blade and lets you fly

Worgen druids already fly. Just need that tail.

what if they have nine tails like the pokemon


Letā€™s start with 1

we vulpera wouldnā€™t mind a nine tail option but letā€™s let worgen get their one tail first

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Retaking Gilneas in 10.2.5 it seems.


No new customization options for Worgen in 10.2.5, though. Maybe we might get some new transmog appearances from the Gilneas questline, though.

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Maybe itā€™ll come with a heritage recolor like nelves get from fyrakk or how tauren get a totem weapon from the oharan questline.

Worgen werenā€™t listed in the section for race customizations so itā€™d have to be gear or something.



Gilneas in 10.2.5!

Minor spoilers thought for post raid content, but from what it seems, Tess Greymame and a few other worgens were the only ones that showed up to the world tree ceremony. Sure Genn and was there for the initial assault to help repay a favor for the night elves helping em out, but was gone when the celebration happened post raid. I think we might see some worgens move in with the night elves, while others retake their home, hopefully with the help of the night elves. Still curious as to why Tess was there in the end. Sadly they didnt give her any dialog to explain it.

Did I hear ā€œgive worgens tails?ā€ Thatā€™s great because they should in fact give worgens tails.


I find it really odd that there are no worgen customizations, when weā€™re literally taking over their citiesā€¦ Not even a fur or any of the other crap Blizzard likes to addā€¦
If Iā€™m told thereā€™s just a new color for the ugly so-called heritage armor, I might as well put nothing on, itā€™ll be just as good.

Thanks Blizzard, but no thanksā€¦


Maybe weā€™ll finally get Lord Crowleyā€™s Old Spectacles when we reclaim Gilneasā€¦ :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:


Itā€™s a shame the Developers keep ignoring Worgen. 14,628 posts a 3 years later still nothing from them.

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Well the new customization options for Draenei is a single new skin color. I think theyā€™re done with adding any new customization options to any pre-existing races other than just hair colors and skin colors.

We will hit 20k and even if they are still ignoring us we will not give up.


Gotta say my reaction to seeing a post on social media that weā€™re getting Gilneas back was like; Reclaiming Gilneas -woohoo, only new customization are troll hair and draenei stuff - boo. I mean come on already WTH Blizz you only gave us special interactions with a wolf statue in Emerald dream then we finally get our capital back and weā€™re shafted again? Why the hate for worgen? I swear if we donā€™t get tails before that Midnight expansion Iā€™m torching Silvermoon in protest as you know theyā€™re going to dump a ton of new elf things on us. This is such BS at this point, all weā€™re asking for at bare minimum is optional tails and maybe upright posture for the worgen menā€¦ and itā€™s like weā€™re ignored, made fun of, and just completely denied with no reason given. Is it elf hunting season yet? If so Iā€™m taking me some earsā€¦